I've actually been tagged!
4 places I've worked:
-ORMC, a hospital in Utah, in the pharmacy
-OWATC, a technology school, teaching the pharmacy technican class
-Kent's Pharmacy
4 movies you would watch over and over:
-any Harry Potter movie
-Office Space
-The Notebook
-My Big, Fat Greet Wedding
4 places you have lived:
-Tremonton, UT
-Ogden, UT
-Smyrna, TN
that's all
4 tv shows you love to watch:
-Grey's Anatomy
-Decorating Cents
4 places you've been on vacation:
-Chatanooga, TN
-Texas to see my Kristi
(isn't that list exciting!)
4 websites I visit daily:
-airline websites (to bring my mommy here)
-nick jr (for my kids)
4 of my favorite foods:
-chips and queso
-my mom's roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy
4 places I would rather be right now:
-in my scrapbook foom working on my HOF entry
-in bed sleeping so I could kick this virus
-anywhere on vacation that didn't require me cooking or cleaning