Sunday, February 19, 2006

Update on me

My laptop died so I've been using my son's puter to catch up on everything. Well, it is old and didn't have the latest and greatest internet explorer so I couldn't update my blog. Now, Chris installed ie so I can blog and he's wiping the hard drive on my laptop so I'll have it soon too (minus my favorites and my photos from January). Whew, how I've missed him, my lap top, I call him my boyfriend. I'll have to come up with a name for him. Hmmmm...

Chris went to Dallas last week on a business trip. We were ok, excpet no one really slept well. I guess we all hate when he's gone. I get so jealous of him traveling. It sounds like such a vacation to stay in a hotel, ALONE, have nice dinners (paid for by someone else) and not have to clean up after myself. I know he has to work really hard when he goes though.

I did go to the scrapbook store last week. I don't really like this time of year in the stores though. There isn't a lot of new stuff because they are waiting on their orders from CHA. I was hoping to get really inspired, but I'm just not. Maybe March CK will help.

We actually got some snow. And it's been here for 2 days. It is SOOOO cold right now that the snow isn't pretty it's just a frozen mess. My church even got cancelled this morning. I didn't know they cancelled for such things. Oh well. We've actually had a nice relaxing day...made cookies, painted wooden airplanes, went outside for a bit, Chris fixed the reverse light in my car, I did a little cleaning and now I'm getting ready to make calzones for dinner.

That's it for now. I am so boring!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


So laptop crashed. Luckily I backed up my July through Dec photos the day before. Not so luckily, my January photos are still on there. At least Mason's birthday ones are on the website. Thank goodness. I HATE not having my laptop. I feel so out of the loop. I haven't been on the puter for ever! So I guess I won't be downloading any photos for a while until I either get a new one (pretty please Chris) or he gets my broken one fixed. Yes he is a computer guy, but he's not a magician.

Enough an update:
*Saturday we went to Dora the Explorer live. It was soo fun. I think I had as much fun as Mason and Addi had. We keep singing all of the songs from the show. So fun! I was bummed out not to be able to take my camera for some photos, but I really got to sit and enjoy it not think about how to photograph it.
*A fire has been lit in Mason's head. He is learning his letters so fast. His desire is so big. I love hearing him making letter sounds. Whoever came up with "Leap" products is brilliant. Just this week I have bought Mason a new Leapster game, a Leap DVD and a fridge magnet thing that makes the letter sounds. He thinks he's playing, but I know he's learning. I love it. We sing the alphabet sounds all day. It's great. How did kids learn the alphabet before leap? :)

I had a bunch more very important stuff to say, but now that I'm on here, I can't think of what it I guess that's it for now!