Man, I need a vacation from my vacation.
We had lots of fun, but it was waaaaay busy. Here is a synopsis:
Thursday: flew in, checked into the Nickelodeon hotel (it rocked) and hung out by the cool pool.
Friday: relaxed by the pool all day, it was awesome! The pool is made for kids around 5-6 years old. They can go on all the slides, they just have to wear one of the provided life jackets. We had a blast!
Saturday: We checked out of the Nick hotel (it was terribly expensive) and into our other hotel. It wasn't ready yet so we had to just walk around for 4 hours. The kids were miserable and complained the entire time. We hung out for a an hour or so at the nicest McDonald's on the planet. Seriously, flat screen tv's, waterfalls, pretty trees inside the playarea, the booths looked life furniture...way nice! We got back, settled into our room and went swimming in the pool.
Sunday: We went to Magic Kingdom. It was fun, but VERY HOT! The highlight of Mason's day was going on the Buzz Lightyear ride, then actually seeing Buzz. We went on the Stitch ride that everyone hated. Addi actually started crying and wanted to leave. We refused to wait in any long lines to see the characters so we didn't get photos with Mickey, Minnie or Donald. Bummer! We rode a few other rides and saw the Princesses in the Cinderellabration show.
Monday: We went to MGM. It was way hot then too. We went on the backstage tour that was awesome. We also went to a stunt car show that was great! Met the Power Rangers of course! Addi was quite bent that we didn't see the Pink one.
Tuesday: We woke up to a thunderstorm. The power went out in our hotel room and stayed off for 2 hours. We went to Animal Kingdom. It was COLD! I did bring sweatshirts for the kids but not for me so I complained until I got one there. We all wore our ponchos and ended up having a pretty good time. We went on a African Safari that was my favorite part! There were elephants, crocodiles, giraffes, gazelles, a lion, a warthog and even zebras that came right up to the van. Super cool! Oh wait, my other favorite part was "The Festival of the Lion King." It was like a broadway show. The people were in full make up and costume, it was the closest thing to broadway I've ever seen. I loved every second of it!
Wednesday: We got up, caught out shuttle to the airport and came home.
It was a great time, but I am so happy to be home! Now to just get caught up on all my projects:
end of year scrapbooks for my kids' pre-school teachers, planning a first aid program for a church activity, getting caught up on laundry and house stuff and getting used to the idea that my kids are going to be out of school FOR THE SUMMER IN LESS THAN A WEEK! aaaaaaaahhh! That is scary! Anyway, better go get some of my projects done!