Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Your best you

Today I was catching up on my email, feeling a little sorry for myself since Chris is gone still. I came across an email from a website sponsored by my church, www.ldsliving.com, it told of a story about how one member of the quorum of the 12 Apostles (a high spiritual office in my church) was comparing himself to another member. They were great friends and both admired a lot of qualities in each other. Finally after one of the men compared himself the other, and wished he were more like him, the other said to him that God doesn't want 2 of the same person, he just wants us to be the best we can be. So I need to be the best Candice Schenk I can be. I don't know about you, but I spend a LOT of time comparing myself to others. There will always be someone who is prettier from me, or has a cleaner, nicer home, or is a more adventurous mom that gets down a plays with her kids. And that's ok. All that my Heavenly Father wants from me is to be the best me I can be.


Angie said...

You are the best you!! Keep smiling. :) Angie

KLAH said...

wow. this REALLY spoke to me. i am so guilty of doing this. there is something in all of my friends that i am always wishing i was. skinnier, better mommy, kinder, a better listener, more creative;), now i realize that i am who my husband loves, my babies love, you love, GOD loves, and all because i am ME! thanks C, for the dose of reality. thanks for being my best friend!! k

ps. don't forget our show comes on tonight!!!

KLAH said...

UPDATE ME!! UPDATE ME!! (the blog screamed!!!)