Wednesday, February 08, 2006


So laptop crashed. Luckily I backed up my July through Dec photos the day before. Not so luckily, my January photos are still on there. At least Mason's birthday ones are on the website. Thank goodness. I HATE not having my laptop. I feel so out of the loop. I haven't been on the puter for ever! So I guess I won't be downloading any photos for a while until I either get a new one (pretty please Chris) or he gets my broken one fixed. Yes he is a computer guy, but he's not a magician.

Enough an update:
*Saturday we went to Dora the Explorer live. It was soo fun. I think I had as much fun as Mason and Addi had. We keep singing all of the songs from the show. So fun! I was bummed out not to be able to take my camera for some photos, but I really got to sit and enjoy it not think about how to photograph it.
*A fire has been lit in Mason's head. He is learning his letters so fast. His desire is so big. I love hearing him making letter sounds. Whoever came up with "Leap" products is brilliant. Just this week I have bought Mason a new Leapster game, a Leap DVD and a fridge magnet thing that makes the letter sounds. He thinks he's playing, but I know he's learning. I love it. We sing the alphabet sounds all day. It's great. How did kids learn the alphabet before leap? :)

I had a bunch more very important stuff to say, but now that I'm on here, I can't think of what it I guess that's it for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad to see an update girly!

so glad you are loving the word whammer 3000! ;) before you know it addi will have it all down too! it is crazy fun.

have a great weekend friend! love ya! k