When I picked my kids up from school, we stopped by the grocery store for snacks before going to the park to play. Well, Mason and Addi BOTH proceeded to throw a fit and scream as loud as they could because I wouldn't let them have Mountain Dew. I'm sure all of the people in Kroger could tell how unhappy we were. I was so proud that I held my ground and didn't give in. Neither of them got a soda and we went home, not to the park. I didn't yell or spank, I just dragged them kicking and screaming to the car and ignored their protests the entire way home. I even expained to them how much I loved them, even though I didn't like their behavior. So proud of my self control! :)

After a cooling off period, we went outside to play. Even though it was only 50 degrees out, the kids just had to turn the hose and a make a mud puddle. I knew where that was headed, but I just let them go. They were both froze to death (Addi was playing in the water coming off the faucet but I didn't get a pic of that...oops.) but they had so much fun. It's a good thing Chris wasn't home, he would have lost his mind!
In other news, Mason lost his first tooth. I can't believe it! He's big now. His tooth had been loose for quite a while so I nudged it while I was brushing his teeth and out it came. He is seriously SO excited and can't wait to check his tooth fairy box (thanks Aunt Mel) in the morning for the money she'll leave him. I am thinking of leaving a note in there with this cutest little tooth fairy bag saying that since it was his first tooth, the tooth fairy thought Mason's mommy wanted to keep it to put in his remembrance box so she left it in this bag.(Oh, his interview at the magnet school was today too, but I have no idea how he did since they wouldn't let me in

I guess that's it for now.
ps I didn't get "the call" today. boo hoo!!! I am thinking a big fat batch of brownies are in my near future. :(
1 comment:
i CANNOT believe May already lost a tooth!!! is it already time for that?? too cool!
LOVE the nails--what a beauty queen.
glad we had time to talk today. i will send you some links tonight.
post more pics!! love seeing you use that cool camera! k
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