Sunday, August 06, 2006

School starts when?

Holy cow...when does school start? My kids are making me crazy. Sure they are super cute but they are making me insane! We went shopping this weekend (TN had a tax free weekend)are all ready (well a few things left to get for Addi's school supplies) but socks...check, undies...check, new backpack for my kindergartener...check. Bring it on!!! Oh sure, I know I am going to sob my eyes out on the actual day he goes to K but right now it sounds so sweet!!!

Our goings on this week:
*Tomorrow I have to have a root canal done....looking forward to it (actually I am because my tooth is killing me! Just not looking forward to the $400 out of pocket expense I have, ug!)
Mason also has a test to see which T-ball team he will be on
*Tuesday we are going to a pool party
Addi registers for dance class
*Wednesday I am hoping to finish my dining room (touch up the paint, paint my old chairs and table to match the new chairs I just got and finish the shelf I just built)
*The rest of the week will entail entertaining the kids so we all don't kill each other while trying to stay cool in the hell we call summer in Tennessee (95 degrees with 80% humidity)

1 comment:

KLAH said...

mine are going crazy too!! how do they know???

hope it is calm on your homefront.


ps. my shoulder is ready if yours is! ;)