Monday, August 06, 2007


I have been bitten by the nesting bug. In the past 2 months or so, I have been a maniac. I have:

reoganized my kitchen utensils and cleaned out the drawers, washed all the cabinets, touched up the caulking around the baseboards, touched up the paint on the baseboards, reorganized my linen closet, reorganized the closet in my bathroom, reorganized the garage twice (needs it done once more already) and gave a load of stuff to the Salavation Army, cleaned my scrapbook room, painted Addi's room then touched up the paint in her room, bought and put together a new bookcase for her room, made some artwork and sewed some trims onto her bedspread and pillowsham, painted Mason and the baby's room, painted stars on the wall for Mason and the baby's initials, rearranged their room make room for the crib, painted the dresser, sewed a crib skirt (NEVER again-what a pain) for the crib, cleaned out the kids's old clothes, cleaned and reorganized Addi's closet, put up a new shelf in Mason's closet for the baby's clothes, reorgainzed Addi's hair drawer and I'm sure there is even more because every time I put something away I decide that the cupboard, closet or drawer needs to be reorganized.

Just today I cleaned all 3 bathrooms, vaccumed, swept and mopped, dusted, did 4 loads of laundry, painted the baby's dresser, touched up the caulking and made cinnamon rolls in the Easy Bake Oven with the kids. Man I'm pooped!! I don't have any energy to do anything really, but my need to have a clean house overrides my lack of energy.

I will take pics of the kids' rooms when I get the crib mattress and get the bumpers done.

Hope everyone has a great week!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I wonder how I can get that "nesting" feeling without getting pregnant again!!!