I haven't downloaded the pics I took today, so I'll just post this pic of the birthday girl from another party she went to a few weeks ago.
---epic post warning---
Today is Addi's birthday. She had a great day. Me, Chris, Mason...not so much! For me it was a VERY LONG DAY that started at 4:45 am. Why that time you ask? Because I woke up to go potty for the 8th time since 11:00pm last night and couldn't go back to sleep since Addi and Chris were both asleep in my bed having a contest of who could snore the loudest. So I dragged my sorry self down stairs hoping to go to sleep on the couch. I got a few of Addi's birthday gifts out and blew up some balloons (we have a tradition of doing that on the bday morning) and settled in to watch some tv, hoping I could find something to help me fall asleep. You'd think with over 300 channels there would be something decent on. Not really. Although I did find a cool show where a lady went fishing and caught a dolphin, tuna and marlin and then went gator hunting. :)
I finally went back upstairs to Addi's bed and fell asleep at around 7:15. Mason woke up at 8:00 with his mommy sensor was on full alert and found me in Addi's room. I decided that my entire family, including the baby, was conspiring against me sleeping so Mason and I woke Addi and Chris up and went downstairs to see her open her gifts. She got a CD player, a High School Musical 2 CD and the Enchanted Princess DVD. I tried to take some pictures as she opened her gifts, but I kept falling asleep. Mason had the hardest time trying to be happy for Addi that she was getting presents and he wasn't. It made him super grumpy! Chris wasn't too happy having to deal with me and Mason both being so pleasant (not) and trying to make breakfast.
Thankfully, being the wonderful fella that he is, he sent me back upstairs to bed to take a 30 minute nap. Then the madness started. We got ready and went to Mason's soccer game (where he kept fighting with the oposing team, what's up with that?) that lasted until 11:30. Then we rushed home, changed our clothes and loaded the van to go to Addi's birthday party. (her party was at our church) The only problem was we couldn't find anyone with keys to the church. So we drove around for about 20 minutes until Debra, my mom away from mom, saved us and borrowed us her keys. We got to the church at 12:35 and the party was supposed to start at 1:00. We forgot the main dish (hot dogs) and didn't have ice or ice cream so Chris ran to Walmart while the kids and I, ok really just me, set up the gym. There was too much to do in too short of time, so 1/2 of the guests came and helped me set up. I was having contractions and I have a cold and I'm an emotional pregnant wreck so I just cried my eyes out the entire time. My poor friends thought I was either in labor or losing it. (Apparently it was the later since I'm still pregnant.) But thanks to my sweet friends everything got set up and everything was fine!
Addi's party was great. It was a movie star party. We watched "Shark Tale", ate hot dogs, candy, popcorn, soda, cake and ice cream, and played with glow-in-the-dark bracelets. Addi received a ton of nice gifts: 4 Barbies, a Barbie car, clothes, the Grease DVD, a princess writing lap desk, make up, a set of nutcrackers (what she wanted, seriously) a princess towel and purse, books, and more that I'm sure I've forgotten. She had a lovely time, playing with all her friends. I did end up having a decent time once I calmed down and could relax a bit. Almost everyone stayed to help clean up, love all you guys THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! And we headed home.
On the way home we were listening to the radio and heard them mention that they were giving tickets away to High School Musical on Ice that is coming to Nashville this week. So I looked at Chris and thought why not and called. What do ya know? I was the 9th caller and won a 4pk of tickets. I was squealing and sounded like the biggest dork. Mason thought it was hilarious to hear me on the radio. My neighbors were listening to the radio, heard me win and called to congratulate me. So funny! Addi and Mason are so pumped to go.
Addi wanted to have ribs for dinner on her birthday so we went to Logans. Big mistake. Neither Chris nor I felt good (he had a headache-I have a cold) and the kids were both amped up on candy, ice cream, soda and cake. So needless to say, it wasn't a very fun dinner. Addi dropped my coke glass on the table where it spilled all over her and me and then rolled to the floor and shattered. Mason kept laying down and crawling under the gross table, eeeewwwww, and burping and talking loudly. Addi kept playing with the blinds on the window and sticking her arms in the bbq sauce of the ribs. We were all maniacs. By the time we got done and got to the car, all 4 of us were all angry with each other and couldn't wait to get home.
Luckily we made it home with no deaths and all cooled off. The kids both took baths, Chris and I took some Tylenol and we all played with Addi's new toys. We survived another birthday. I'm sure Chris doesn't understand why I have to go nuts planning parties for our kids and today neither do I. But tomorrow, I go into planning mode for Mason's next birthday in January. :)