I have original titles don't I??
Last weekend my good friends Joanna, Sandy, Emily and Debra gave me a baby shower. It was so awesome! Everyone was so generous and we had a great time! We got tons of stuff that we needed, so all we need now is our baby boy!
We made it through our first week of both kids going to school. Every day when they got home they both melted down from being so tired, but we're working on refining our schedule and getting it down to prevent such issues.
I decided to redo the kids' bathroom. It's a Disney Princess/Cars theme. The kids love it. Thankfully we have 2 sinks so they each got their own soap dispenser, hand towel and rug. Addi's is a princess carriage sd , a pink towel and rug. Mason's is Lightening McQueen sd, a blue towel and rug. I got those cool vinyl stickers to put all over the walls. They both love it!
Have you read the book Twilight by Stephanie Meyer? Holy cow! I finally jumped on the bandwagon and read it. It is sooo good. I couldn't put it down. So today I got onto amazon.com and promptly ordered the 2nd and 3rd book of this series. SOOO good! Amazon rocks too.
I'm 37 weeks pregnant and so ready to deliver. I have started having major stomach issues. I have MAJOR heartburn, chest pain and nausea and vomiting. Good times, huh? Some moments I feel like I can be patient because 2 weeks and 5 days really isn't that long, but other times (especially when I'm in major pain) it feels like an eternity.
I cannot believe you only have two weeks and 5 days left! You look great, and I hope you have an easy delivery. I'll be thinking about you!
I haven't read that book - I'll have to check it out. Thanks! Not much longer now! You can do it!!!!!!
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