Last week was a crazy week. Chris went out of town on a business trip. It was ROUGH!!! Kannon was super fussy and Mason and Addi chose that time to be defiant little stinkers. I'm soooo glad that Chris is home now. I didn't sleep worth a crap when he was gone. He used to travel a ton, but hasn't for a few years and I'm used to him being home. I feel much more safe and secure when he's home. It so nice to have his support and be able to chat and share my day with him.
Kannon is 6 weeks old tomorrow. It's very cliche but I don't know where the time has gone. I can barely remember when he wasn't a part of our family. He still doesn't sleep very well. But oh well, I'll sleep when my kids are grown. He is going through a fussy stage and that is a little hard to handle. I tell him that if he would just tell me what he wants, I'll give it to him!! :) He is a very noisy baby! He snorts, makes funny sucking
noises with his paci, nurses very loudly and has a set of lungs on him when he's upset. The best part is that he is super LOUD when he dirties his diaper. Today in Relief Society I was sitting up

front holding him and he did his business...super loudly. It was a little embarrassing but pretty darn funny too! He is a very loved baby. His siblings are his biggest fans!
Addi is so stinkin' funny (when she's not being lil' miss sassy pants...OK sometimes that's funny too.) She is so dramatic. She sings and dances and flits around all over the house. One of my favorite things she does is hides in the dinning room curtains and asks us to announce "the Princess show" then she comes out and does a little song and dance routine. Chris and I joke that its our date...dinner and a show!

Mason is sooooo smart, he just blows us away. He has learned how to read and tonight he read an entire book all by himself. He had a soccer game yesterday and scored a goal. Go Mason! He has a really hard time staying focused on the game and being aggresive going after the ball. He would much rather just sit and chat with his team and the other team. I think he has a crush on his cute teacher at school. Last week he bought her a ghost gram-it's just a little fundraiser at school where the kids can pay a quarter to give a friend a treat. And tonight he asked if we had ever heard of the Colts football team because that's Mrs. Thomas' favorite team. So cute!
This is going to be a crazy week, but so fun too! We have a field trip to the pumpkin patch, dance, soccer practice, game and end of season party, trunk or treating at the church, visiting/home teaching, Halloween, and on Sunday is Kannon's blessing and I am teaching in Relief Society. Whew!
Mason and Addi are getting so big, and Kannon is ADORABLE! I love his little smile. I'm glad everything's going so well for you!
Thanks for the post. I just started our blog this month and was not sure if anyone except myself would ever look at it. It is great to here from you. I actualy was with Alisha and your Mom this weekend when we had a yard sale at Alishas house. I hadn't talked to either of them in months so it was good to catch up. I told Alisha about my blog and told her that she needs to get one. Your kids are soooo cute!!! I am glad you are doing good! We will have to stay in touch!
Talk to you later,
Keri Beth
I LOVE that picture of Kannon! So cute! Sounds like you have a busy week! I'll be glad when the week (more specifically tomorrow) is over with! We should have definately hooked up last week. At least called eachother at 3:00 am to chat when we were up with our kids! :)
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