Monday, November 12, 2007

Our weekend away

Last week was such a busy, stressful week. We survived and tried to reward ourselves with a little getaway to Atlanta. We sure didn't escape the stress by going there. Let's just say that Kannon, who wants to nurse every 1-2 hours and doesn't sleep more than 3 hrs at a time, was the easiest child to deal with.

We went to the LDS Distribution to get temple clothing for our upcoming sealing. I forgot my temple recommend so we weren't able to get everything we needed. However, we did get Mason and Addi's sweet little outfits. I can't wait until December 21!!!!!
The weather was fabulous and the fall colors were killer!! Atlanta is so misleading because there are trees everywhere, so it feels like you're in the mountains, when in fact, you're in a gigantic city.

After Distribution, we went to the Liahona, an LDS bookstore. We found lots of fun stuff there...some books that we have been wanting and some Christmas presents. Addi couldn't find a prize and she wasn't feeling well, so she completely melted down! Oh my, the drama!

We ate lunch at a really yummy place and then headed on. The traffic in Atlanta is crazy and there are a ton of intersecting interstates, so thanks to my bad navigating skills we got lost. But along our wrong turn, we found The Container Store. I was pumped to finally go there. After a quick trip inside, we got back on the correct road and headed to IKEA. We loved it there. I could have spent all day. Chris and I felt like we were on a date, since we put our kids in the free child care. We bought lots of cool stuff and could have bought a ton more.

After that, we headed home. I swear it took twice as long to get home as it did to ge there. Mason was bored, Kannon was fussy and Addi wasn't feeling well. So it was a long trip. Actually it was a good trial run for our trip to Disneyworld in December.


Joanna said...

How fun! Score! I'm going to IKEA - free babysitting! That is the best idea ever!

Angie said...

That sounds so fun! I'm excited for you to be going to the temple. . congratulations! You'll also have to let me know how DW turns out. . we're going in Feb.