Thursday, January 17, 2008

4 months

Kannon's 4 month highlights:

*rolled over back to belly

*chews on his hands constantly

*found his feet

*"talks" all the time

*eats ALL the time

*loves to be talked too

*laughs, deep belly laughs, at his daddy and Addi

*blows spit bubbles and raspberries

*is still a terrible sleeper (wakes up 4-5 times a night) but eats quickly and goes back to sleep easily

*is using his stomach muscles to sit up by himself
Is mommy's best shopping pal and companion during the day!


Kim said...

I love these pictures -- he's so cute!!! Our little Jack will be coming on Saturday. . . I may need some tips on life with three children!

chandra said...

So cute! I still think he looks just like Chris, but in the last picture he looks a lot like Addi too. Sorry he still isn't sleeping well. Ryan was that way and then at 5 months on the dot he started sleeping through the night. I wish that for you!

Angie said...

Such a handsome kiddo!!

Joanna said...

Those pix are the cutest thing EVER! I just want to give him loves! So adorable! That is the hardest thing about new borns - no sleep! I hear you!

Alisha said...

OH I just want to kiss all over his cute little face!! Miss you