Saturday, January 05, 2008

More pictures

Please excuse the poor quality of these pictures. I didn't want to have to mess with my good camera, so I just used my point and shoot. I traded quality for convenience and it was worth it to be able to shove my camera in my pocket and not have to worry about messing with my good camera. 1. A picture of Mason and Addi in front of the Orlando Temple. We were going to go to the distribution center to get a few supplies, but it was closed for the holiday. The temple was under a renovation, but was beautiful none-the-less.
2. This is how we cruised around most of the parks. Mason and Addi were total wimps (especially Addi) and rode in the stroller. (we were only about 60 lbs over the weight limit for the stroller) I carried Kannon most of the time in the Snuggli. He loved it and it was nice to have him so close.
3. Me with the kiddos and Stitch at MGM studios.
4. Me and the boys visiting Buzz Lightyear. Addi was bent and pouting in the stroller because she wanted to see Woody instead.
5. The bazillion people at MGM.

It seems like all I've done is complain about our trip. I feel bad about that, because there were parts that were fun. It's just that I worked really hard planning the trip and Chris worked really hard to pay for it and we had really high expectations. So when our kids would misbehave or act ungrateful, which was quite frequent, it really upset both Chris and me. We did have some good times and make some fun family memories. I think part of the fun of our trip is having the inside jokes or funny memories to look back on. Our trip funnies: "Get down!" said by Chris to Mason when Mason freaked out at the sound of the fireworks at Epcot, the "Jill Hennessy" and "K-Fed" sightings along with the Pimp Santa (hahahahah-it was a guy with a pimp looking hat on that was red and white), the parade at Animal Kingdom, the drunk people celebrating New Years at Steak and Shake in Atlanta, the "Beware of Poisonous Snakes" sign at a rest stop in Georgia, the bathroom that Chris took Addi to that had porn sitting right outside the door and a condom machine inside-which Addi threw a fit about because Chris wouldn't give her a quarter to get a "prize", eating yummy Mickey Mouse waffles every morning for breakfast, sitting by the pool while the kids swam at 8:00pm. hahaha-Good times!


Angie said...

Looks like an awesome trip!
I tagged you. . go to my blog!

Joanna said...

lol! The inside jokes cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh, I needed that!