I have seen this on a bunch of blogs, so I thought I would tag myself and do it. If you're reading this, consider your self tagged too.
What is his name? Chris
How long have you been married? this June, we will have been married for 10 years
Who long did you date? about a year or so
How old is he? 34
Who eats more sweets? definitely me, except when it comes to ice cream...Chris loves his nightly ice cream
Who said I love you first? I'm sure he did, but I don't recall the exact moment
Who is taller? he is-He is 6'2" and I am 5'3"
Who can sing better? I can and I'm not that great-bless his heart
Who is smarter? he is, he seems to know everything. But he wouldn't know I thought that he was smarter because I am a bossy know-it-all. (trying to work on that)
Who does the laundry? me. I'm sure he would do it, but I freak if he goes near it
Who pays the bills? me. He is super busy and I'm a control freak, so it just works better that way. It also is beneficial to me because then he doesn't know what I spend money on. :)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does so I can sleep closer to Kannon's basinet
Who mows the lawn? Funny you should ask...this is a source of contention for us. I think the grass needs to be cut once a week, which is an unreasonable amount, in his mind. "It needs to be longer to be healthy," he says. Um yeah, 10 inch grass is super healthy. :) He's just hates yard work. Anyway, 2 yrs ago I wised up and hired a company to cut it. Chris felt a bit unmanly because, "A guy is supposed to cut his own lawn." So he tried to do it last summer. Luckily we had a drought and our lawn didn't grown much, but even then, I had to beg him to do it. And yes, before you ask, we DO have a riding lawn mower. This year, he has finally come to terms with the fact that he can devote his precious time off to our family, have someone else mow our lawn and keep his man card. It's a win-win situation!!!
Who cooks dinner? me. Chris helps where he can.
Who drives? Always him. When we drove here to move from UT, he drove probably 26 of the 27 hours.
Who is more stubborn? we both are. He's more stubborn with the kids though.
Who kissed who first? I can't remember (real romantic, aren't I?)
Who asked who out first? I can't remember who asked whom out, but we ate at Maple Garden. Who proposed? I did actually. Kind of dorky though. (I am embarrassed to write this) I used Chewy Sprees because he loves them. I think I still have them somewhere. I did pout until he got down on one knee though.
Who has more siblings? we both have one. I have one brother and he has one sister.
Who wears the pants? I think he and I would both agree that I do. He's just pretty easy going. If he felt strongly about something, I would totally back down.
Chris is the BEST husband and treats me lots better than I deserve. He is hands down, the best gift giver ever!!!!! He could do classes for other men out there. He is very thoughtful, always sweet to me and rarely looses his temper (with me). I am so spoiled by him with how he treats me and the things he does for me. I love his guts and am so glad he's stuck with me forever, like super glue!!! :)