Holy cow....I am pumped! The cast of the Twilight Movie has been announced. These actors are pretty close to what was in my mind. The characters are from the left: Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Jasper.
I got the picture and info from Stephanie Meyer's website so hopefully it's accurate.
I CAN NOT WAIT to see this movie!!!!!
Didn't even know they were making a movie. Thanks for the tip. We'll have to buy that one, huh! Any idea when it is coming out? You know I love you. Mom
Whewwwhooo! Although I don't know most of those people - that is how out of the scene I am right now. I'm way excited too! I can't believe how popular these books are - I mean I can - but it is shocking to hear them talk about them on the View & such. Whoopi loves them & so does someone else that was on the show visiting the other day.
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