Monday, February 25, 2008


Holy cow....I am pumped! The cast of the Twilight Movie has been announced. These actors are pretty close to what was in my mind. The characters are from the left: Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Jasper.

I got the picture and info from Stephanie Meyer's website so hopefully it's accurate.

I CAN NOT WAIT to see this movie!!!!!


Sylv said...

Didn't even know they were making a movie. Thanks for the tip. We'll have to buy that one, huh! Any idea when it is coming out? You know I love you. Mom

Joanna said...

Whewwwhooo! Although I don't know most of those people - that is how out of the scene I am right now. I'm way excited too! I can't believe how popular these books are - I mean I can - but it is shocking to hear them talk about them on the View & such. Whoopi loves them & so does someone else that was on the show visiting the other day.