2 weekends ago was the air show at the Smyrna airport. We live really close so we got to see the airplanes practicing the week leading up to it. Our neighbor is in the Air Force and had tickets so she invited us to go. Chris took the big kids, while I stayed home with the little man. They all had a blast! It was really cold and windy so we didn't plan for the sun and everyone got way sunburned. Oops. Addi got to bounce on one of those bungy jump things and loved it. They also got to sit in an airplane and see the Navy Blue Angel planes up close.

The weather has been really nice. We've been playing outside almost every day. And yes, that's Kannon in his jammies outside in the afternoon. Some days are just like that. Mason has been riding his big boy bike that was too big for him last year. Addi has been riding her scooter and begging Chris to take the training wheels off her big girl bike. We've also been going for walks almost every night.
On Tuesday Kannon and I got to go on Addi's field trip to the Nashville Zoo. It was the perfect day to go. Now I know that Addi isn't the only drama whiney girl. You would have thought those Kindergarteners were being tortured with all the whining that was going on. "I'm tired," "My feet hurt," "I'm thirsty," "I don't see any animals," "I can't walk anymore," etc. I'm just glad I chose to drive and didn't have to ride the bus, with no air conditioning, home.
Let's see, what else have we been doing? Mason started and then quit soccer, Addi is now done with dancing - we wil lbe in Utah for her recital so she doesn't get to perform in it, Kannon is doing patty cake now and it is THE cutest thing ever (the video is posted below), I am almost done with my playroom re do. I just have a few little details left and I will post some pictures. I guess that's about it for now. I have tons more stuff to post about the many projects I have been doing but I'll save it for the next one. Have a great weekend!!!!
Hi Candice-I don't know if you saw my comment on your last post since it was so long ago but I saw your comment on Rebecca Cooper's blog and I wanted to tell you that MY SON IS IN YOUR MISSION! In fact, his first area was Smyrna....Don't know if you ever ran into him but his name is Elder Larsen and he is a Spanish speaking missionary. He was a greenie there and had two comps as trainers. So anyhoo-I am so excited to see your photos because my son is very close to your area. He is in Lebanon right now....So you may hear from me now and then. Have a great day!
Mason and Addi are so big now. And I want to eat Kannon's toes. So cute!!! And what are you doing to your playroom?? I loved the way you had it -- remember I emailed you to find out where you got your bookcases?!
Way cute!!! When are you coming to UT! I know you'll be dang busy with friends and family, but I'd love to see you for a min if I can. :)
So fun! I'll be excited to see all that you've done! :)
Oh my gosh...we were at the zoo all day Tuesday too! I can't believe that we didn't see you.
How cute is my Nashville family. I can hardly believe that they are all getting so big. You will be here in about 6 weeks, can't wait to get my hands and arms around you all. Lots of things happening in Utah when you get here. Loved the pictures and the video.
Kisses to all, Mom
thanks for the lens tips. I was actually thinking about the 75-300, but I wasn't sure if it's what I needed, but it sounds like it is. Thanks
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