Our Weekend
Friday the kids and I went to Walmart. That place just brings out the WORST in my kids (other kids too apparently as there were many yelling just as loud as my kids). I gave them an incentive for good behavior, the mini arcade in there. So we check out and I hand my kids some quarters. Mason promptly puts one of his in those horrible claw machines. Ya know, the ones you NEVER win anything. So I get upset and tell him that he's not going to win. Guess what happened...he picked up not just one, but two prizes! I'll never be able to live that down. He kept saying over and over how lucky he was. I can see some serious wasting of quarters in our future.
Saturday we went to the food court at the mall for lunch. Funny lunch destination, huh? But there I can have the mexican food Chris detests, he can have Chinese that I'm sick of and the kids can have McD's. After lunch we went home and Chris and I both took a nap. How fabulous is that! The kids entertained themselves for about an hour and we both got a much needed rest. Woo hoo!
Today was a lazy Sunday! The kids and I went to church. Then we did what we always do: changed into our jammies, read the paper and watched a movie. Afterwards the kids were all wrapped up in their playing (which is a huge surprise) so Chris played a computer game and I did a little scrappin'! Woo Hoo again! We're getting ready to get the kids in bed and settle in for some Season Premier's on tv tonight. What a great lazy day!!