Friday, September 16, 2005


I am totally addicted. I keep finding more and more that I HAVE to read. I am sad that I have been missing out on this all this time. I have recently figured out the whole blog thing and feel like a door has opened. :) I know where have I been right? It's sad that I am so puter illiterate, especially since my husband, like freakin' invented the computer (inside joke there Chris!) No seriously, he's brilliant and I am ... well... not so good. When we first got married I was in college and I couldn't even email my own professors. Anyhoo- I love blogs. I like how they each have links to more blogs in them. Oh, so fun. I have easily wasted many precious, children-in-bed hours surfing from one blog to the next, reading silly and funny things people post in their blogs. LOVE IT!!

Today I was going to keep things pretty mellow. Addi and I are on the homestretch of beating our sicknesses, (minus the whole puking thing at school yesterday) and we have had a pretty busy week this week. But, like usual, something started bugging me and it had to be fixed TODAY. I decided the downstairs bathroom needed to be repainted. So I went out to the garage to get the paint and almost got knocked down by the smell of the garbage. So we ended up taking the trash to the waste station and going to Lowe's for paint supplies. So much for the restful day, although the kids got some resting done watching "Go Diego, Go" all day while I painted. But my bathroom looks sooooo much better. Yeah me!

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