Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Time Off

Ok, so Chris is coming home a day earlier than I thought. I know those 2 of you that read this and know me will have a hard time believing this, but my house is a disaster. I haven't made beds in 4 days. That must be a record or something for me. I haven't vaccuumed (I think that's spelled wrong but my spell check isn't working) in a week. So tonight I changed sheets, cleaned the bathroom, did a load of laundry. Tomorrow I'll just have to vaccuum the house and actually make the beds.

We've been so busy. Our time off this week has really flown. We joined the YMCA and have been going there. I worked out 2 days (pathetic huh) in a row and today am feeling it. My mucles don't just hurt, I crazy!!!! Apparently I need to start a little slower. My initial plan was to just take my kids to the child care there, then go in the locker room and read a magazine. ;) But, the thought of swimwear this season has spurned my desire to stop the giggling (nice mental image huh) and get some tone!! So we've been going to the gym, we went to Chuck E Cheese's, the mall to play in the play area, out to dinner, the park, the movie store, and more. It's been lots of fun, but I'm pretty tired. I think we're just going to take it easy tomorrow, after cleaning of course.

While blog surfing today I found this awesome quote: "True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." Such great words to live by. Marriage is hard, wishing that your mate was perfect makes it even harder. I know I'm certainly not perfect and I hate that I expect others to be so. This is something that I am going to work on!

1 comment:

Tara said... I'm not sure why I'm not in bed, but I'm skipping around on your blog and love reading your posts. I can have a spotless house for one week then the next it's a disaster. That's a great quote!