Friday, June 16, 2006

No news

Ok, so I really don't have much to say except, how many days until school starts????? Just last week I was talking about how much fun we were having here this summer. Just last week I was so happy to have my kids home. Just last week I was looking forward to all the fun stuff we were going to do. Fast forward to this week...I have done more yelling, pouting, crying, time out putting then I have in a long time. It's a freakin' war zone! Me against them. Whew!!!!

Been having some health issues too. I hate feeling so rotten...THAT could have something to do with why I'm so grumpy too.

If you have any spare prayers please send them my way!

1 comment:

KLAH said...

we are turning into the same person...i have been a grump too! hope you are having a better weekend! talk to ya morrow! k