Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July 4

Ok, so the next time I say that I want to host a party, please tell me that I can't!!!!

We tried to have a nice simple ice cream social. Just a few friends and neighbors. We were going to have ice cream, hang out and chat outside, then watch fireworks. Well, about an hour and a half before the start of the party it started pouring down rain! So we had to stay inside. The kids were all nuts!!! Running and jumping around, wrestling etc. My house feels really big normally. But with all those kids and thir parents here, man...not near enough room!! So then we head outside to start the fireworks. Chris and a few of the dads lit them about 6 feet into the road in front of our driveway. A bunch of the kids and moms sat about 10 feet down the driveway. So they were about 16 feet away from the fireworks. Then I asked the men to slide back and they were about 12 feet away from the driveway. So were at around 18 feet. (Can you see where I'm going with this??) We had a ton of fireworks and enjoyed them for quite a while. Then "the incident" happened. Chris lit one that malfunctioned and cut into the group. Luckily most of the kids were running around the yard by then and weren't around, but it almost landed on my pregnant neighbor, so my other neighbor jumped in front of it. Thankfully the only injuries were a scraped foot for the pg neighbor and a bruised thigh on the other. I almost died I was so stressed. I dispensed bandaids and neopsorin. The rescuing neighbor just would not stop talking about it. How she would have had to "kick Chris's a$$ for burning her." She just kept repeating that over and over. OK seriously, it sucks that anyone got hurt but it was an ACCIDENT!!!!!! I probably apologized 100 times to everyone (like it was my fault) but that girl just kept talking about kicking Chris's butt. Seriously!! I don't know why it bugs me so much. Probably because I was already stressed out. And I didn't want anyone to get hurt. So today I was going to call my pg neighbor to make sure she was ok. But before I did, the big mouth neighbor called to get pg neighbor's phone #. She only did that to torture me. We all have each other's phone #'s. Man...NO MORE PARTIES!!!!!!

I have been having some issues this summer. I just don't want to do anything with anyone. I love just being with my kids. I love going to the sprinkler park with my kids. I love watching them and also reading a book or mag. I don't want to have to always make small talk with other moms. Is that so wrong? I don't need playdates for my kids every day. Or even every week. My kids play very well together, although they fight too. We play games, play computer, do art projects, play Leapster, and yes watch tv, eat snacks, play in the pool, go to the library, ride bikes, play with the slip n slide, play barbies and little people, play super heros...etc. I was starting to be comfortable with just being home. I used to have to run all over the place, but this summer, I am just trying to take it easy. Now some of my friends think I'm anti social because I don't want playdates. hmmmm...I feel like I can't win.

Sorry about the whine! I'll be better tomorrow!

1 comment:

KLAH said...

oh dear!!

take the rest of the summer easy friend.