My mom came to visit.
Chris had oral surgery.
Chris got baptized (so amazing).
We went to Chattanooga to the Aquarium and we ate the BEST pizza on the planet at The Mellow Mushroom.
We celebrated Mason's 6th birthday at the Aquarium Restaurant and Sting Ray petting reef
We found out we are having a BABY!!!!!
Chris got called as the Cub Master in our ward.
I started in with morning sickness.
Valentines Day-the kids each filled out their own Valentines for their class.
Chris planned a date for us, childcare and everything! We went to the Melting Pot (a fondue restaurant) and it was sooooo yummy and nice to be just us.
We celebrated my 31st birthday.
St Patri
We went to Atlanta for Spring Break: Aquarium, World of Coca-Cola, Centennial Olympic Park (where the fountains were), IKEA, and the LDS distribution center (the closest one to us)
We heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time.
Personal Notes-
Chris: Is doing so awesome! He has finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time already. He is a stud! He also gave his first talk in sacrament meeting. He was super nervous but did a really great job. His job is still way crazy but his office moved out of Nashville and closer to our house so his commute is only about 45 minutes each way instead of 1 1/2 hrs +. He comes home early most of the time. It's sooooooooooooooooo nice!
Mason: Is tearing it up in Kindergarten. His teacher constantly praises how well he is doing. I go in and help with reading once a week. This week she asked if we practice writing at home because his penmanship is so good. :) He is in the top 2 of his class for reading and is doing really well in math too. The local elementary school (which I was so nervous about) was definitely the right decision for him. He is so fun and full of life still. Just today he and Addi were playing in the wet sand box from all the rain and decided to have a water/sand fight. Needless to say our deck looks like a battlefield and they were both covered head to toe in wet sand. But hey, they were both laughing having a blast! He also started soccer this week.
Addi: Is still quite the princess. She likes to dress up, wear makeup and have her toes and fingernails painted. She is a tornado and regularly destroys her room. She is taking dance lessons again this year and is doing fabulous. Her recital will be in June. She is in pre-K and is doing very well. She loves it there and will be sad to leave it next year when she goes to Kindergarten. She has been going to speech therapy to help her with her letter substitution and has improved so much in the month she has been going.
Me: I have been very sick. I can definitely tell that I have aged since I was pregnant last. I am so tired all the time. Nausea is my constant companion and the barfing has come to visit quite a lot too. I am even sick of myself for how pathetic I am. I am trying to make a photography business and took my first engagement pictures last week. I am really enjoying it. I can't wait to start taking baby pictures!!!
So that pretty much catches up what we've been doing for the past few months. I will try much harder to do better about updating.
Please comment so I know that someone is actually reading this thing. :)
Cute blog and pictures. You are still very thin, but I can tell that you are doing better than a few months ago. I love the pictures of the kids so keep up the good work. I love you so much and want youto have everything that you should in this life and the next. Mom
Thanks for updating!! It's so good to hear what's been going on in your life. Congratulations on the baby, the baptism, good kids, etc., sounds like things are good. You look sooo stinkin' skinny.. hope you lose the nausea soon.. that's no fun! Keep posting.. I'll keep checking up on you!! Happy for ya! Angie
I am soooooo glad you finally updated. Love and miss you all!
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