I love to read other people's blogs. I love to peep into their lives and see the way they live. I love how funny and creative other people are. I like the think of myself as funny and creative too, but when it comes to blogging, I usually have no idea what to talk about.
If I were to talk about what's going on right now, that would be:
1. I am still so sick and am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of it. I am so grouchy. I can't even stand myself, so I'm sure no one else can stand me either. I especially like when someone asks me how I'm feeling and I say that I'm not feeling so well and they say, "Well, you're in your second trimester now so I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon." um...yeah.
2. My kids are sooo bored. I'm bored. I don't have the energy to keep up with them. Today we went to McDonalds after school. (we are having a cold front and it's too cold for the park). I was so tired when we got home that I had to take a nap. All I did was sit there, reading a magazine, watching them play. How could that make someone tired?????
3. Addi has the worst allergies right now. I finally took her to the doctor to get some medicine and she is finally doing a little bit better. She still sleeps with me occasionally and her a Chris have a regular chorus of snoring. so fun!! Tennesee is supposed to be the allergy capital of the world.

4. I took my first engagement pictures the other day. It was for a couple in my ward. They are so in love and so cute. It was so fun to take their pictures. All I did was observe and snap pics as they naturally interacted. I loved it! I think they were pretty happy with the pictures too.
5. I can't believe it is already almost Easter. My kids are so excited. We went to an easter egg hunt on Saturday sponsered by our city. There were mostly marshmellowy eggs to be collected that our kids don't like. And they didn't get any of the prize eggs. So we had to come home and put on a little Easter egg hunt here, so they could get some prizes. Man, they are spoiled. :) I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
I guess that's it for now. Have a happy week!!
1 comment:
Cute pictures!! I am sure the couple was very happy. Alisha
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