Happy Easter everyone!
Look how cute our family looked this afternoon

before church. We are all dolled up in our Easter Sunday best. Addi was super cute with her dress, her makeup, and of course her gloves. Mason wanted a big boy tie like his dad. Dang...Cute Kids!!!!!

Mason also played in his first soccer game this weekend! He is on Team Ireland with 2 of his friends. He loves it. But he doesn't quite understand the concept of running after the ball to kick it into the goal. But never the less, he ran around like crazy. Chris and I laughed our heads off watching all those little kids running around in confusion. The other team scored 3 goals right in the first 5 minutes of the game so we thought it was going to be a blow out. But our team caught up and it was pretty much a tie.
Good weekend!!!
You all look so dang cute (and happy)!! Love you lots. Alisha
Oh my gosh candice your family is just beautiful!! You are an amazing woman!!! Alisha wanted me to see how cute you are so she sent me your page.(you are so talented) I miss all of you guys and we wish you were home... Congrats!!! on EVERYTHING going great in your life's. I am just loving and enjoying Kenyon, kamberlyn and klaire. luv ya, Sharon (& my other 6) P.S. Your mom and I have the most beautiful grandchildren in the world, we are so blessed.......... xoxoxo
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