Saturday, April 21, 2007

Our week in review

Our week this week, was just as crazy as ever!

I thought I was all done with being sick, well with throwing up at least, but...I was wrong. I got sick again this week. Coke is so my friend. It really does settle my stomach and make me feel so much better. Eating is such a chore. I know that I'll have the hardest time losing my baby weight just like before because once I'm not pregnant any more, my appetite will be back with a vengance.

I did feel a little bit better though, I actually made dinner like 3 times this week. That is the most I have done in 3 months.

My belly is so big and has grown so fast that I have developed a little waddle. I know that it's only going to get worse from here on out. The baby was moving a lot last night while I was laying in bed and Chris actually got to feel a little bit of a flutter. It's so exciting!!!

Sweet little Addi had dance class again this week. She is so stinkin' cute. I love watching her dance. She is doing 3 dances at her recital this year. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" for Ballet, "Men in Black" for Tap and "It's a Hardknock Life" for Jazz. I can't wait. Her recital is so much fun. It's at the TPAC, which is where all the broadway shows come when they visit Nashville. It's a pretty big deal.

She had to go to the doctor this week for an earache. I thought for sure she just had a regular old ear infection but when the dr looked in there, her ear canal was bright red. She had tubes put in when she was 1 and the tubenever came out of the canal. It was stuck in the wax and had embedded into her canal. Ouch! So the dr used a water pick and got it out. Addi thought it was so cool. The procedure didn't hurt her a bit, she thought it was funny that her ear got a shower.

Mason has soccer practice on the same night that Addi has dance class. So I usually go to dance and Chris goes to soccer. Today he had a game. He was so funny. He still doesn't quite get the concept. He thinks if he kicks it once he's done. We kept telling him to be aggresive and go after the ball. I think his favorite part is having a drink at half time and the snack after the game.

He got his report card this week. The only thing his teacher said is that he's a great student. We're so proud of our buddy and so glad we made the decision to go with this public school. He is going on 2 field trips this week. On Tuesday he's going to the zoo and on Friday he's going swimming at the YMCA. He is so pumped!!

Chris had a pretty crazy week at work this week. He ended up coming home late (after 5:00pm) 2-3 times this week. I am so spoiled and have gotten used to him being home before 5:00 and I really don't like it when he comes home after that. On Friday, he had to go to the dentist for more dental work. He had to be sedated for all the work. It's so funny to see my big,tough honey so out of it. He's quite sore still today, but hopefully he'll be better soon.

That's it for us for now! We wish you all a great week!!

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