Sunday, July 29, 2007


What a summer it has been. All I can say is thank goodness it's almost over. That sounds so mean, but it's hard to come up with ways to entertain these two all day, every day. We put in our playground thinking they would play on it a little yeah, it's 8 jillion degrees here everyday. I wish I was one of those mom's who are so excited for their kids to be home from school. Don't get me wrong, I love these two but it's been a looooong summer. On a daily basis I hear how boring I am, get asked why I am resting or napping or why we can't ever do anything fun. Nevermind that we have been to the sprinkler park a few times, swimming at the YMCA, to Chuck E Cheese, the Bounce Factory, played in our swimming pool and with the slip n slide, had a few playdates with friends, went to Summer Camp and I'm sure there's more, even though they can't think of one fun thing we've done. Good thing I love them!!! :)

School starts 2 weeks from tomorrow for Mason!!!! WOOO HOOOO!! The Kindergarteners transition in so Addi will go for her testing sometime in the next 2 weeks or so, then go for 1/2 days and full days with part and then all of her class until after about 2 weeks. Then she'll go every day, just like Mason! Yipee!!!

This weekend all clothes and school supplies are tax free here in the state of Tennessee so we will be finishing up our school shopping then. Tax free doesn't seem like that big of deal until you realize that we have almost 10% sales tax. So that 10% of savings helps. I might just work in a new computer monitor for myself too. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Candice, You never talk about your family's or show us pictures????