Thursday, December 22, 2005
3 more days...
My kids could NOT be more excited. It makes me excited. They are soooo fun! It makes all of the hard work that I have done so worth it. Yes, I alone have done all the work. Tonight I asked Chris to pick up some gc for Hollywood Video while he was there for our paper guy and mailman (bribe for faster mail) of course he forgot! Um yah, it's not like I asked him to go out of his way, HE WAS THERE! Man, if it were up to him, our kids would be getting whatever toys he could pick up at the Citgo down the street. Not too mention what his mom and sister would be getting. I guess that's why men married woman, to take care of everything! Not bashing him, this isn't anything I haven't said to his face multiple time. Bless his heart. (look at me using a southern expression)
In other news about my sweetie, he got another promotion. That makes 2 in one year. He soooo deserves it and frankly I deserve the raise he got. :) shhhhh, it's a secret until January.
On the 28th we are going to Oklahoma to spend some time with Chris's sister and her husband. We are all so excited. I'm sure at the end of the 5 days they will be so happy to see us go and remember why they don't have kids. I have to say I am more than a little worried about my kids being there for that long. I hope we don't wear out our welcome.
Busy, busy weekend of fun planned! Chris has a bunch of time off, so tomorrow we are going to the Bounce Factory, a place that has a bunch of those inflatable jumpy thingys and then to Opryland to see the cool Christmas lights. Saturday we are going to a movie then for a drive to see the Christmas lights around town. Hopefully Chris and I won't kill each other in that period of time. Ya know, we used to really like spending time together, but since having kids we have issues with it. Love his guys; we just forget how to be a couple.
Better go get my blog surfin' in! And if I don't get on again before hand, Merry Christmas!!!
My kids could NOT be more excited. It makes me excited. They are soooo fun! It makes all of the hard work that I have done so worth it. Yes, I alone have done all the work. Tonight I asked Chris to pick up some gc for Hollywood Video while he was there for our paper guy and mailman (bribe for faster mail) of course he forgot! Um yah, it's not like I asked him to go out of his way, HE WAS THERE! Man, if it were up to him, our kids would be getting whatever toys he could pick up at the Citgo down the street. Not too mention what his mom and sister would be getting. I guess that's why men married woman, to take care of everything! Not bashing him, this isn't anything I haven't said to his face multiple time. Bless his heart. (look at me using a southern expression)
In other news about my sweetie, he got another promotion. That makes 2 in one year. He soooo deserves it and frankly I deserve the raise he got. :) shhhhh, it's a secret until January.
On the 28th we are going to Oklahoma to spend some time with Chris's sister and her husband. We are all so excited. I'm sure at the end of the 5 days they will be so happy to see us go and remember why they don't have kids. I have to say I am more than a little worried about my kids being there for that long. I hope we don't wear out our welcome.
Busy, busy weekend of fun planned! Chris has a bunch of time off, so tomorrow we are going to the Bounce Factory, a place that has a bunch of those inflatable jumpy thingys and then to Opryland to see the cool Christmas lights. Saturday we are going to a movie then for a drive to see the Christmas lights around town. Hopefully Chris and I won't kill each other in that period of time. Ya know, we used to really like spending time together, but since having kids we have issues with it. Love his guys; we just forget how to be a couple.
Better go get my blog surfin' in! And if I don't get on again before hand, Merry Christmas!!!
Thursday, December 15, 2005

Pre-school Christmas program
My kids had their Christmas program at their school today. It was the cutest thing ever! Mason was Jospeh and Addi was a baaaaa, aka, a sheep. Even Chris, whose heart is covered in titanium was smiling and thought they were the cutest things ever! The lighting was really bad in there, but you get the idea!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
ok, I really don't have anything to say, I just wanted to say Hi to the 2 people that read my blog. HI!
Not much to report, working on my Christmas cards, trying to fight off a stinkin sinus infection (I don't have time to go to the doctor!) trying to wrap up my Christmas projects, trying to do a decent job with my secret santa in my playgroup, working on some stuff for my church, and getting ready for Chris's hoity toity work Christmas party this weekend.
We've been trying to do a fun Christmas project a day. So far we have made a gingerbread house, went for a visit to Santa but ended up riding the carousel, decorated cookies, watched Polar Express and a few other things that aren't coming to mind. We still are going to write letters to Santa, make treat bags for their school mates, make Christmas pictures for their grandparents...I am not thinking tonight, I can't remember anything. Mason is learning about Jesus's birth at school so every day he grabs our nativity and acts it out. So stinkin' cute. This has been my favorite Christmas so far!
Not much to report, working on my Christmas cards, trying to fight off a stinkin sinus infection (I don't have time to go to the doctor!) trying to wrap up my Christmas projects, trying to do a decent job with my secret santa in my playgroup, working on some stuff for my church, and getting ready for Chris's hoity toity work Christmas party this weekend.
We've been trying to do a fun Christmas project a day. So far we have made a gingerbread house, went for a visit to Santa but ended up riding the carousel, decorated cookies, watched Polar Express and a few other things that aren't coming to mind. We still are going to write letters to Santa, make treat bags for their school mates, make Christmas pictures for their grandparents...I am not thinking tonight, I can't remember anything. Mason is learning about Jesus's birth at school so every day he grabs our nativity and acts it out. So stinkin' cute. This has been my favorite Christmas so far!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
i'm it...!
i have been tagged by NO ONE, but I'm going to answer anyway...everyone else is doing it!
2 Names you go by:
mommy, Miss Candice (at my kids' school when I sub)
2 parts of your heritage:
Sadly, I don't know
2 Things that scare you:
absolutly petrified of losing one of my kids, snakes
2 of your everyday essentials:
diet Mtn Dew, loves from my kids
2 Things that you are wearing right now:
jammy pants, my fleece blanket
2 of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment)
Rascal Flatts, Top 40 stuff
2 Favorite Songs at the Moment:
Skin by Rascal Flatts, Deck the Halls sung by Michael McDonald
2 Things you want in a relationship (other than true love)
sense of humor, someone I can talk to
2 Truths:
i am not good at playing with my kids, I am a bit moody :)
2 Physical Things that appeal to you (in the opposite sex)
stregnth, nice smelling
2 of your Favorite Hobbies:
scrapbooking, shopping
2 Things you want really badly
a new digi slr (santa needs to get it out of the closet and hand it over :) ), peace
2places you want to go on vacation:
Florida, Disneyworld with my kids
2 things you want to do before you die:
be happy just being me, live in the state as my mom
2 ways that you are stereotypically a chic:
I like to create , I love girly stuff like painted toe nails, hair products, shopping
2 Things that you are thinking about now:
I have to teach a lesson at my church on Sunday, Chris is leaving tomorrow on a business trip
2 Stores you Shop at:
Target, Walmart
Kristi, You're next!!
i have been tagged by NO ONE, but I'm going to answer anyway...everyone else is doing it!
2 Names you go by:
mommy, Miss Candice (at my kids' school when I sub)
2 parts of your heritage:
Sadly, I don't know
2 Things that scare you:
absolutly petrified of losing one of my kids, snakes
2 of your everyday essentials:
diet Mtn Dew, loves from my kids
2 Things that you are wearing right now:
jammy pants, my fleece blanket
2 of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment)
Rascal Flatts, Top 40 stuff
2 Favorite Songs at the Moment:
Skin by Rascal Flatts, Deck the Halls sung by Michael McDonald
2 Things you want in a relationship (other than true love)
sense of humor, someone I can talk to
2 Truths:
i am not good at playing with my kids, I am a bit moody :)
2 Physical Things that appeal to you (in the opposite sex)
stregnth, nice smelling
2 of your Favorite Hobbies:
scrapbooking, shopping
2 Things you want really badly
a new digi slr (santa needs to get it out of the closet and hand it over :) ), peace
2places you want to go on vacation:
Florida, Disneyworld with my kids
2 things you want to do before you die:
be happy just being me, live in the state as my mom
2 ways that you are stereotypically a chic:
I like to create , I love girly stuff like painted toe nails, hair products, shopping
2 Things that you are thinking about now:
I have to teach a lesson at my church on Sunday, Chris is leaving tomorrow on a business trip
2 Stores you Shop at:
Target, Walmart
Kristi, You're next!!
Sunday, November 27, 2005

My weekend
Oh my heck, I had the BEST weekend!!!! My Kristi was here....WOO HOO!
OK, that's skipping ahead a bit. We had a really nice quiet Thanksgiving at our house, then went to a friends for desert. It was so nice. Friday I woke up at 5:30AM (indeed, there is one day year that I have no problem waking up early!) But when I got to Target, the line to check out was atrocious! I waited for 1.5 hours to pay!! How ridiculous!!!!!! Kind of took the fun out of it!
Later that day, my Kristi arrived. Oh man, we had sooooo much fun. We scrapbooked, made super cute advent calendars, went shopping, went to Opryland and got lost, went to 2 different scrapbook stores, went to lunch with our husbands and my kids, took tons of pics, took my family's photographs and so much more. It was a ton of stuff to fit in 2 days, but we had a blast and it was a dream come true. So much fun. I am totally beat though. Poor her though. She is probably still on the road on her way home and she left at 8:30 this morning. Yuck! Great weekend!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thankful day #3
My lss had a yard sale last weekend. One could take their new or gently used sb supplies in there, pay $10 and they would sell them for you. So I took my stuff in last week and went back to pick it up today. I sold almost everything. I will get in store credit when the owner is in town. It is an awesome store with tons of the lastest and greatest products. I can't wait to go back and see how much "free" stuff I can get!
Today I am grateful just that I made it through the day. Mason and Addi fought like nobody's business today. They were having their own WWE. It was crazy. I cleaned like a crazy woman all morning, then we went to the lss, then had to hurry home to be here when Ethan got here (then he didn't show up...whatever!) then cleaned some more and worked on some Thanksgiving table decorations. The entire time they were maniacs. Aack! When they weren't fighting, they were tearing up the house. Man...some days!!!!!
I don't want to seem upgrateful because I do love those little buggers like crazy. I would take a million crazy days with them rather then not have them in my life. So I guess my crazy kids are what I am grateful for today!
My lss had a yard sale last weekend. One could take their new or gently used sb supplies in there, pay $10 and they would sell them for you. So I took my stuff in last week and went back to pick it up today. I sold almost everything. I will get in store credit when the owner is in town. It is an awesome store with tons of the lastest and greatest products. I can't wait to go back and see how much "free" stuff I can get!
Today I am grateful just that I made it through the day. Mason and Addi fought like nobody's business today. They were having their own WWE. It was crazy. I cleaned like a crazy woman all morning, then we went to the lss, then had to hurry home to be here when Ethan got here (then he didn't show up...whatever!) then cleaned some more and worked on some Thanksgiving table decorations. The entire time they were maniacs. Aack! When they weren't fighting, they were tearing up the house. Man...some days!!!!!
I don't want to seem upgrateful because I do love those little buggers like crazy. I would take a million crazy days with them rather then not have them in my life. So I guess my crazy kids are what I am grateful for today!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Thankful day 2
Before I get to my thankful business I have to say this: At my kids' MDO, they don't have school pictures taken. So today I talked to the director about possibly taking them this year. She agreed. So in the spring, I am going to get to take pics of all the kids and their classes and get paid a small bit to do it. I am soooo excited. I hope by then I'll have a new digi camera (hint hint Chris) and possibly even a back drop.
Today was a busy day. I ran around like a maniac-grocery shopping, picked up pics at Walgreens, Target to look for clothes for Mason for our family pics, to Michaels to get some stuff for a project K and I are going to work on this week (I found some dominos and dice...yeah!). After all that, I found out I screwed up our checkbook and we have WAY less money then I thought. So anyway I am grateful for a sweet husband that doesn't rag on me for spending too much money.
Before I get to my thankful business I have to say this: At my kids' MDO, they don't have school pictures taken. So today I talked to the director about possibly taking them this year. She agreed. So in the spring, I am going to get to take pics of all the kids and their classes and get paid a small bit to do it. I am soooo excited. I hope by then I'll have a new digi camera (hint hint Chris) and possibly even a back drop.
Today was a busy day. I ran around like a maniac-grocery shopping, picked up pics at Walgreens, Target to look for clothes for Mason for our family pics, to Michaels to get some stuff for a project K and I are going to work on this week (I found some dominos and dice...yeah!). After all that, I found out I screwed up our checkbook and we have WAY less money then I thought. So anyway I am grateful for a sweet husband that doesn't rag on me for spending too much money.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Since it is the week of Thanksgiving, I thought I would post once a day, something that I am thankful for.
Today: I am thankful for a nice comfy house. It's so comforting to know that even though we aren't loaded, we have enough to always have heat, electricity and food in our fridge and cupboards. I know this is something we all take for granted, but if you've ever been in a situation where you couldn't count on those things, you know what it's like to be grateful for them.
So blessed!!
Since it is the week of Thanksgiving, I thought I would post once a day, something that I am thankful for.
Today: I am thankful for a nice comfy house. It's so comforting to know that even though we aren't loaded, we have enough to always have heat, electricity and food in our fridge and cupboards. I know this is something we all take for granted, but if you've ever been in a situation where you couldn't count on those things, you know what it's like to be grateful for them.
So blessed!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Poor Princess
This is what peri-orbital cellulitis looks like. She woke up with a goobery eye all swollen and yucky. I thought she just had a nice case of pink eye. But after a visit to the pediatrician we found out it was more than that. Apparently she's had a sinus infection for a while that has traveled to her eye. (what's up with that?) So hopefully after a course of oral and topical antibiotics it will be all cleared up. I hope it feels better too. Poor babe, she was super grumpy so she must be miserable. I hope she feels better tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
We just had the CRAZIEST rain I have even seen. We had a tornado watch from about 5:30 until 9:00pm. SO nuts! It was raining so hard it was leaking in our closed windows. I haven't ever seen weather like that. You know the worry wart I am, I had the flashlights, my purse, a battery powered radio and some pillows and blankets in our inner most closet. It was so freaky. Chris and I weren't glued to the tv and poor Mason and Addi knew something was wrong but couldn't figure it out! Luckily we only have a little bit of sprinkling now.
Monday, November 14, 2005
I was going to update my blog with some cool new pics, but my poor, poor slow, sad digi is dead. I hope that nice man at Wolf Camera can revive it...inexpensively!!! But I'll give the word version of our weekend and day.
Addi started dancing today. It was sooo cute! I had her all dressed in her pink leaotard and tights with her little ballet slippers. She was glowing she was so excited! I had her do turns and took tons of pics but they are stuck on my (sniff) broken digi. Parents aren't allowed into the acutal studio, we are all just supposed to crowd around the 2 windows. She did great, had a blast and even Miss Stacy commented on how well she listened and followed directions. Yeah Addi.
Mason and I had a date while Addi was in dancing. He was thrilled to have some one on one time with mommy. He even changed his clothes and wore something special. He had 2 long sleeve t-shirts layered on. Dang, how sweet is that! We went for ice cream and hung out at the dance studio waiting for Addi.
Last week on Sunday my ward (our congregation in my church) was split into two. So yesterday there was some major reorganization. I was called (it still makes my heart jump to think about) to be the 2nd counselor in the Relief Society (the women's organization in my church). Holy cow. I still can't believe it. I feel like I should be older and much more spiritual. But I can tell you for sure, I am going to step up and do it to the best of my ability!
My dad and his wife Peggy came to visit and stay with us last weekend. It was a nice visit. We ate a lot-O'Charley's and Wolfgang Puck Express and they played with Mason and Addi a lot. Mason followed my dad around like a shadow. He loved being around him so much. Addi was a little apprehensive at first, but she warmed up and loved on Peggy by the end.
I have been doing major projects. Now that I got this new calling that will take a lot of time and planning, I have stepped up all of my projects to get them done. I won't name them for fear that a recipient could be reading this, but I am almost done with my Christmas gift projects. Yeah, that feels good. Oh, I'm almost done with my Christmas cards too. Woo hoo!
Addi started dancing today. It was sooo cute! I had her all dressed in her pink leaotard and tights with her little ballet slippers. She was glowing she was so excited! I had her do turns and took tons of pics but they are stuck on my (sniff) broken digi. Parents aren't allowed into the acutal studio, we are all just supposed to crowd around the 2 windows. She did great, had a blast and even Miss Stacy commented on how well she listened and followed directions. Yeah Addi.
Mason and I had a date while Addi was in dancing. He was thrilled to have some one on one time with mommy. He even changed his clothes and wore something special. He had 2 long sleeve t-shirts layered on. Dang, how sweet is that! We went for ice cream and hung out at the dance studio waiting for Addi.
Last week on Sunday my ward (our congregation in my church) was split into two. So yesterday there was some major reorganization. I was called (it still makes my heart jump to think about) to be the 2nd counselor in the Relief Society (the women's organization in my church). Holy cow. I still can't believe it. I feel like I should be older and much more spiritual. But I can tell you for sure, I am going to step up and do it to the best of my ability!
My dad and his wife Peggy came to visit and stay with us last weekend. It was a nice visit. We ate a lot-O'Charley's and Wolfgang Puck Express and they played with Mason and Addi a lot. Mason followed my dad around like a shadow. He loved being around him so much. Addi was a little apprehensive at first, but she warmed up and loved on Peggy by the end.
I have been doing major projects. Now that I got this new calling that will take a lot of time and planning, I have stepped up all of my projects to get them done. I won't name them for fear that a recipient could be reading this, but I am almost done with my Christmas gift projects. Yeah, that feels good. Oh, I'm almost done with my Christmas cards too. Woo hoo!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Ramblings of my day
Today we had Ethan over, the little guy from Mason's MDO class I watch on Wednesday's, and the kids wanted to go outside to play. I asked them to clean up all the toys scattered around the house. Mason's job was to clean up his room. He did and declared it all done. So I went up to inspect and it was super clean. But when I went to scope out the closet Mason hollered at me to not open the door. What did I find when I opened the door? He had thrown all of the junk that was on his bedroom floor into his closet. Now when did he figure that trick out? So funny!
Some days I just want to shout from the rooftops how much I love being the mother to my amazing kids. Otherdays, I don't even want to get out of bed to face them. They are soooo full of energy, sponges-ready to learn, their minds going so fast, they just take in life as fast as possible. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't laugh my head off about something they do. No matter how angry I get, I wouldn't trade a day of life with them for anything. I saw John Leguazamo on Leno one night and he said this about parenthood, "The days are long but the years are short." So true. Some moments I can't wait for my kids to get bigger to do fun stuff with etc. And other days I want to pause our life so they won't grow up any more. Addi thinks I am the best. She always wants to be with me and begs to hold my hand. I love that a kiss from me makes Mason's boo boos go away. I love that he wants me to hang out with me. I love the thought that I bring him so much comfort that he wants to sleep by me. (I only love the thought of that because that little man HOGS the bed.)
Did you watch Lost tonight? WTH? How can they kill her off. I loved her and Sayid together!
That's it for today!
Today we had Ethan over, the little guy from Mason's MDO class I watch on Wednesday's, and the kids wanted to go outside to play. I asked them to clean up all the toys scattered around the house. Mason's job was to clean up his room. He did and declared it all done. So I went up to inspect and it was super clean. But when I went to scope out the closet Mason hollered at me to not open the door. What did I find when I opened the door? He had thrown all of the junk that was on his bedroom floor into his closet. Now when did he figure that trick out? So funny!
Some days I just want to shout from the rooftops how much I love being the mother to my amazing kids. Otherdays, I don't even want to get out of bed to face them. They are soooo full of energy, sponges-ready to learn, their minds going so fast, they just take in life as fast as possible. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't laugh my head off about something they do. No matter how angry I get, I wouldn't trade a day of life with them for anything. I saw John Leguazamo on Leno one night and he said this about parenthood, "The days are long but the years are short." So true. Some moments I can't wait for my kids to get bigger to do fun stuff with etc. And other days I want to pause our life so they won't grow up any more. Addi thinks I am the best. She always wants to be with me and begs to hold my hand. I love that a kiss from me makes Mason's boo boos go away. I love that he wants me to hang out with me. I love the thought that I bring him so much comfort that he wants to sleep by me. (I only love the thought of that because that little man HOGS the bed.)
Did you watch Lost tonight? WTH? How can they kill her off. I loved her and Sayid together!
That's it for today!
Monday, November 07, 2005
My Top 10 right now
1. blogs
2. flip flops (yes I know it's November but it's 75 degrees here)
3. fountain coke
4. Rascal Flats
5. Harry Potter (I'm obsessed again since #4 is in theaters in 11 days!)
6. Designing with Paper - seriously, sooooo good
7. Grey's Anatomy
8. researching new cameras
9. chocolate peanut butter Chex Mix
10. beautifully colored fall leaves
1. blogs
2. flip flops (yes I know it's November but it's 75 degrees here)
3. fountain coke
4. Rascal Flats
5. Harry Potter (I'm obsessed again since #4 is in theaters in 11 days!)
6. Designing with Paper - seriously, sooooo good
7. Grey's Anatomy
8. researching new cameras
9. chocolate peanut butter Chex Mix
10. beautifully colored fall leaves
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Not much!
I don't really have much to say, so I'll just say what's been happening in our family
Chris and I went to the newly opened Cheesecake Factory in Nashville. Holy food! It was delicious and the portion sizes are huge. We had a really nice child free lunch.(they were in school)
Man, he is a stubborn boy. His behavior HAD been better this week. He got all of his behavior stickers at school on Tuesday and was on his way to getting them today too. Then he had some issues coloring. Apparently he got marker on his hands and that totally freaked him out so he wouldn't color any more. Well, it was still color time and he has to follow Ms. Debbie's directions or he doesn't get a sticker. She gave him 3 chances and he still wouldn't do what she asked. I think if he would have just told her that he was upset about the marker on his hands, it wouldn't have been a problem. Darn it!
She is such a funny girl! Today after school we went for a walk around the block. Mason rode his bike and Addi pushed her baby stroller the entire way. It was so funny. She kept trying to hold my hand but the stoller would veer off. SO dang cute! She is such a momma's girl. She has to help me with everything. She pulls her chair over to the counter to "help" me make dinner. I hope she never grows up. I love this age!
Poor guy. I must not be hormonal this week because I have some sympathy for him in his job. He works with people with the maturity of my 4 yr old. He constantly has to make sure they are staying on task and baby sit. I would NOT be able to stand that. Chris has the strongest work ethic of anyone I know and gets so frustrated when others don't have even a fraction of what he has. He is such a good guy and works so hard. Bless his heart! :)
I have been running around like a maniac lately. Every day I have a tons of stuff to do. I am beat! I just want a day to stay in my pj's and hang out in my scrapbook room. Is that really so much to ask for?
That's it for now.
I don't really have much to say, so I'll just say what's been happening in our family
Chris and I went to the newly opened Cheesecake Factory in Nashville. Holy food! It was delicious and the portion sizes are huge. We had a really nice child free lunch.(they were in school)
Man, he is a stubborn boy. His behavior HAD been better this week. He got all of his behavior stickers at school on Tuesday and was on his way to getting them today too. Then he had some issues coloring. Apparently he got marker on his hands and that totally freaked him out so he wouldn't color any more. Well, it was still color time and he has to follow Ms. Debbie's directions or he doesn't get a sticker. She gave him 3 chances and he still wouldn't do what she asked. I think if he would have just told her that he was upset about the marker on his hands, it wouldn't have been a problem. Darn it!
She is such a funny girl! Today after school we went for a walk around the block. Mason rode his bike and Addi pushed her baby stroller the entire way. It was so funny. She kept trying to hold my hand but the stoller would veer off. SO dang cute! She is such a momma's girl. She has to help me with everything. She pulls her chair over to the counter to "help" me make dinner. I hope she never grows up. I love this age!
Poor guy. I must not be hormonal this week because I have some sympathy for him in his job. He works with people with the maturity of my 4 yr old. He constantly has to make sure they are staying on task and baby sit. I would NOT be able to stand that. Chris has the strongest work ethic of anyone I know and gets so frustrated when others don't have even a fraction of what he has. He is such a good guy and works so hard. Bless his heart! :)
I have been running around like a maniac lately. Every day I have a tons of stuff to do. I am beat! I just want a day to stay in my pj's and hang out in my scrapbook room. Is that really so much to ask for?
That's it for now.
Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treating
Halloween here in Tennessee is so nice. Where I grew up we always had to wear our heavy winter coat over our costumes. So it's so nice that my kids can just wear a t-shirt under their costumes and be good. Today Addi was diagnosed with an ear infection so she wasn't too excited about anything. But Mason had an absolute BLAST running around knocking on doors. The kicker is that he only likes about 3 kinds of candy so he just goes trick or treating to be social. He liked answering our door and handing out candy just as much as going out himself. SO fun!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Your best you
Today I was catching up on my email, feeling a little sorry for myself since Chris is gone still. I came across an email from a website sponsored by my church,, it told of a story about how one member of the quorum of the 12 Apostles (a high spiritual office in my church) was comparing himself to another member. They were great friends and both admired a lot of qualities in each other. Finally after one of the men compared himself the other, and wished he were more like him, the other said to him that God doesn't want 2 of the same person, he just wants us to be the best we can be. So I need to be the best Candice Schenk I can be. I don't know about you, but I spend a LOT of time comparing myself to others. There will always be someone who is prettier from me, or has a cleaner, nicer home, or is a more adventurous mom that gets down a plays with her kids. And that's ok. All that my Heavenly Father wants from me is to be the best me I can be.
Today I was catching up on my email, feeling a little sorry for myself since Chris is gone still. I came across an email from a website sponsored by my church,, it told of a story about how one member of the quorum of the 12 Apostles (a high spiritual office in my church) was comparing himself to another member. They were great friends and both admired a lot of qualities in each other. Finally after one of the men compared himself the other, and wished he were more like him, the other said to him that God doesn't want 2 of the same person, he just wants us to be the best we can be. So I need to be the best Candice Schenk I can be. I don't know about you, but I spend a LOT of time comparing myself to others. There will always be someone who is prettier from me, or has a cleaner, nicer home, or is a more adventurous mom that gets down a plays with her kids. And that's ok. All that my Heavenly Father wants from me is to be the best me I can be.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Oh, the paint in my house. Makes me CRAZY. Our builders must have used to cheapest paint known to man. And when I tried to get it matched so I could touch it up...well, let's jsut say it didn't match. So I've painted and repainted to fix those touch up spots. I ended up having to paint a lot in my stairs. Of course it has vaulted ceilings. Fast forward to now. I tried to repaint it AGAIN tonight. So 3 hours, a bunch of sweat, some tears and some broken vocal cords, from telling (loudly) my kids to get back in bed again, later, the wall doesn't look much better. So now, I'm going to have to close my eyes every time I walk up or down the stairs because I am certainly not doing that again any time soon. I'm thinking of having it professionally done now.
In other news, Chris is on a business trip. I hate when he travels. I'd like to say it's because I miss him so much (and I do) or that I can't sleep when he's not here (which is true too). But mostly I hate when he's gone because I have no one to help me with Mason and Addi. There, I said it. I am selfish! I know he's there working like mad, but I am a little jealous of the dinners out and a nice quiet hotel room. Boo hoo!
Oh, the paint in my house. Makes me CRAZY. Our builders must have used to cheapest paint known to man. And when I tried to get it matched so I could touch it up...well, let's jsut say it didn't match. So I've painted and repainted to fix those touch up spots. I ended up having to paint a lot in my stairs. Of course it has vaulted ceilings. Fast forward to now. I tried to repaint it AGAIN tonight. So 3 hours, a bunch of sweat, some tears and some broken vocal cords, from telling (loudly) my kids to get back in bed again, later, the wall doesn't look much better. So now, I'm going to have to close my eyes every time I walk up or down the stairs because I am certainly not doing that again any time soon. I'm thinking of having it professionally done now.
In other news, Chris is on a business trip. I hate when he travels. I'd like to say it's because I miss him so much (and I do) or that I can't sleep when he's not here (which is true too). But mostly I hate when he's gone because I have no one to help me with Mason and Addi. There, I said it. I am selfish! I know he's there working like mad, but I am a little jealous of the dinners out and a nice quiet hotel room. Boo hoo!
Long post
Wow! It's been more than 10 days since I posted. Here's what we've been doing:
we all had colds that took almost 2 weeks to recover from, I helped out at my kids' school both days (tues and thur) last week, had a couple of sb projects I was working on, ...ok now it doesn't seem like much, but I swear we were busy!
I'm trying to lay low this week, so I don't have much planned. Oh yeah!!! Chris is going to New Mexico tomorrow on business and he "doesn't know when he'll be back because the project is so messed up." GREAT! We aren't having our playgroup tomorrow, so I think we're going to stay in our jammies until Ethan (the little guy I watch on Wednesdays) get's here. We are having McDonalds for lunch, pizza for dinner and I'm not making my bed! WOO HOO! I am a clean freak and make my bed everyday, so this is a BIG deal for me. Thursday Chris and I were going to have our lunch date, so I guess I'll just take myself to lunch. I might just go to Wolfgang Puck Express...yummmm!
On a different note, Mason had a horrible day today. It started out ok, he even let me do his hair. But after I took him to his class he got a little misty. But Ms Debbie distracted him with his project. But when I went to pick him up, Ms Donna, the director, said that his behavior had been bad. He wanted what he wanted, when he did and wouldn't do anything else. Ms Debbie said that on one hand he was defiant and a stinker then he would go over and cling to her. On the way home I tried to talk to him and find out what happened, but he wanted to stop for ice cream and wouldn't listen to or answer me. He actually broke down into a tantrum with tears and everything. I've been crying all evening. I am so worried. I just with I knew what was wrong. I can tell that he is unhappy and I wish I knew what to do to fix it. I feel like a failure! He has a dr appt on Monday, so hopefully she can shed some light on our situation.
Wow! It's been more than 10 days since I posted. Here's what we've been doing:
we all had colds that took almost 2 weeks to recover from, I helped out at my kids' school both days (tues and thur) last week, had a couple of sb projects I was working on, ...ok now it doesn't seem like much, but I swear we were busy!
I'm trying to lay low this week, so I don't have much planned. Oh yeah!!! Chris is going to New Mexico tomorrow on business and he "doesn't know when he'll be back because the project is so messed up." GREAT! We aren't having our playgroup tomorrow, so I think we're going to stay in our jammies until Ethan (the little guy I watch on Wednesdays) get's here. We are having McDonalds for lunch, pizza for dinner and I'm not making my bed! WOO HOO! I am a clean freak and make my bed everyday, so this is a BIG deal for me. Thursday Chris and I were going to have our lunch date, so I guess I'll just take myself to lunch. I might just go to Wolfgang Puck Express...yummmm!
On a different note, Mason had a horrible day today. It started out ok, he even let me do his hair. But after I took him to his class he got a little misty. But Ms Debbie distracted him with his project. But when I went to pick him up, Ms Donna, the director, said that his behavior had been bad. He wanted what he wanted, when he did and wouldn't do anything else. Ms Debbie said that on one hand he was defiant and a stinker then he would go over and cling to her. On the way home I tried to talk to him and find out what happened, but he wanted to stop for ice cream and wouldn't listen to or answer me. He actually broke down into a tantrum with tears and everything. I've been crying all evening. I am so worried. I just with I knew what was wrong. I can tell that he is unhappy and I wish I knew what to do to fix it. I feel like a failure! He has a dr appt on Monday, so hopefully she can shed some light on our situation.
Friday, October 07, 2005
So today
*didn't take a shower until after noon
*posted some layouts on 2ps and submitted a few lo for publication (crossing my fingers)
*got to wear jeans and a sweatshirt because it's finally cool enough
*Mason got sick in the car and I spend an hour cleaning it up (poor Mae, I hate when he's sick, it's sooo sad because he never complains about it)
*I painted Addi's ennails (fingernails) and toenails. I love having a girlie girl!
*I've eaten so much junk -Smartfood, sprees, Coke & homemade peanut butter cookies. I really need to get some self control.
*started burning a new autumn splendor candle. YUM. I love the fall
*didn't take a shower until after noon
*posted some layouts on 2ps and submitted a few lo for publication (crossing my fingers)
*got to wear jeans and a sweatshirt because it's finally cool enough
*Mason got sick in the car and I spend an hour cleaning it up (poor Mae, I hate when he's sick, it's sooo sad because he never complains about it)
*I painted Addi's ennails (fingernails) and toenails. I love having a girlie girl!
*I've eaten so much junk -Smartfood, sprees, Coke & homemade peanut butter cookies. I really need to get some self control.
*started burning a new autumn splendor candle. YUM. I love the fall
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Things that make me crazy
I know I should post about all the things I am grateful for. There are SOOO many. But dang, some times I could just scream.
1. Waiting at my local post office. Oh, it just makes me nuts. Today I went there and waited for 30 minutes. The real kicker is that I was SECOND in line. 2 of the clerks were working with customers on global priority issues. The 3rd just stood there, reading about the global priority stuff, then closed her line and went to lunch. WTH???? I totally called and complained. So I'm sure my mailman will hold onto all of my mags and spit on the bills for me now.
2. Always being in a hurry. I can't ever seem to relax and do anything. Yesterday I went to my Stampin' Up club, which is 30 min away. I left a little early to go to the sb store, drove like a maniac to get there, barely had time to browse and still ended up late to my club. Then I had to hurry to get it all done so I could drive 30 min back home to spend time with Chris before he fell asleep. (as he always does at 9:00pm)
3. I get really sick of being the only one that cares whether or not my kids are eating healthy. I hate that I stress about what to feed them and try to plan healthy meals that everyone will like. But Chris feeds them pb&j and feels absolutely no guilt. What's up with that? (not bagging on him, he's a great dad) I just wish I felt no guilt once in a while.
4. It is still SOOOOO stinkin' hot here. It's October, it should be cool. But not here in TN. It's 90 degrees today. AAACK!! I'm so sick of being sweaty. I'm so ready to retire my flip flops and capri's for the season and pull out my long sleeves and jeans.
OK, that's enough for now. On a good note, a lady waiting in line with me at the post office commented on how cute my hair is and asked me where I got it done. Yeah, that always makes ya feel good.
I know I should post about all the things I am grateful for. There are SOOO many. But dang, some times I could just scream.
1. Waiting at my local post office. Oh, it just makes me nuts. Today I went there and waited for 30 minutes. The real kicker is that I was SECOND in line. 2 of the clerks were working with customers on global priority issues. The 3rd just stood there, reading about the global priority stuff, then closed her line and went to lunch. WTH???? I totally called and complained. So I'm sure my mailman will hold onto all of my mags and spit on the bills for me now.
2. Always being in a hurry. I can't ever seem to relax and do anything. Yesterday I went to my Stampin' Up club, which is 30 min away. I left a little early to go to the sb store, drove like a maniac to get there, barely had time to browse and still ended up late to my club. Then I had to hurry to get it all done so I could drive 30 min back home to spend time with Chris before he fell asleep. (as he always does at 9:00pm)
3. I get really sick of being the only one that cares whether or not my kids are eating healthy. I hate that I stress about what to feed them and try to plan healthy meals that everyone will like. But Chris feeds them pb&j and feels absolutely no guilt. What's up with that? (not bagging on him, he's a great dad) I just wish I felt no guilt once in a while.
4. It is still SOOOOO stinkin' hot here. It's October, it should be cool. But not here in TN. It's 90 degrees today. AAACK!! I'm so sick of being sweaty. I'm so ready to retire my flip flops and capri's for the season and pull out my long sleeves and jeans.
OK, that's enough for now. On a good note, a lady waiting in line with me at the post office commented on how cute my hair is and asked me where I got it done. Yeah, that always makes ya feel good.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
What a week!
Whew!! What a week. Where did it go? We have been so busy this week. Doing this and that. Boy have I enjoyed having the kids in school so I could get some things done. I got my hair cut and colored this week! woo hoo! I'll post a pic later. I am almost getting used to my 10 hours a week, but that is going come to a screetching halt next week. School is closed for Fall break. WHAT!??!! I was actually going to do some scrapbooking, and Chris and I were going to go on a lunch date. BUMMER! How am I going to entertain my kids? Maybe the zoo?
Chris's sister is here visiting from OK. We love when she's here. She is so much fun and sooo dang funny. Her stories are hilarious. She and Chris share the funny story gene since they both make the lamest life happenings into something soo funny! Bless her heart, :) my kids are showing her their true colors, being grumpy, crying, fighting, ya know, the usual. I hope she'll want to come back sometime before the year 2010.
Hope y'all are having a great weekend!!
Whew!! What a week. Where did it go? We have been so busy this week. Doing this and that. Boy have I enjoyed having the kids in school so I could get some things done. I got my hair cut and colored this week! woo hoo! I'll post a pic later. I am almost getting used to my 10 hours a week, but that is going come to a screetching halt next week. School is closed for Fall break. WHAT!??!! I was actually going to do some scrapbooking, and Chris and I were going to go on a lunch date. BUMMER! How am I going to entertain my kids? Maybe the zoo?
Chris's sister is here visiting from OK. We love when she's here. She is so much fun and sooo dang funny. Her stories are hilarious. She and Chris share the funny story gene since they both make the lamest life happenings into something soo funny! Bless her heart, :) my kids are showing her their true colors, being grumpy, crying, fighting, ya know, the usual. I hope she'll want to come back sometime before the year 2010.
Hope y'all are having a great weekend!!
Sunday, September 25, 2005

Our Weekend
Friday the kids and I went to Walmart. That place just brings out the WORST in my kids (other kids too apparently as there were many yelling just as loud as my kids). I gave them an incentive for good behavior, the mini arcade in there. So we check out and I hand my kids some quarters. Mason promptly puts one of his in those horrible claw machines. Ya know, the ones you NEVER win anything. So I get upset and tell him that he's not going to win. Guess what happened...he picked up not just one, but two prizes! I'll never be able to live that down. He kept saying over and over how lucky he was. I can see some serious wasting of quarters in our future.
Saturday we went to the food court at the mall for lunch. Funny lunch destination, huh? But there I can have the mexican food Chris detests, he can have Chinese that I'm sick of and the kids can have McD's. After lunch we went home and Chris and I both took a nap. How fabulous is that! The kids entertained themselves for about an hour and we both got a much needed rest. Woo hoo!
Today was a lazy Sunday! The kids and I went to church. Then we did what we always do: changed into our jammies, read the paper and watched a movie. Afterwards the kids were all wrapped up in their playing (which is a huge surprise) so Chris played a computer game and I did a little scrappin'! Woo Hoo again! We're getting ready to get the kids in bed and settle in for some Season Premier's on tv tonight. What a great lazy day!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Mason part 2
I took Mason to the doctor today. She was great. She totally agreed with me that it sounded like something was wrong. She thought, like I did, that it's weird that his behavior has changed since we came back from Utah, at the end of August. She thinks that something might have happened to him there. I don't know about that since I was with him all but the 2 days I was at CKU and few day trips with his grandparents. But we're going to get him evaluated by a child psychologist just in case. How sad that we have to go to a mental health professional for my 4 year old, but I know that they are specifically trained and know the right questions to ask to find out if there is anything wrong. I hope he tells me that there isn't anything wrong with Mason and that I am just crazy. (that would be true :) )
I feel so guilty because I feel like it's something I have done wrong. I have a bad temper and although I don't beat my kids or anything, I feel like I haven't taught them how to deal with their anger. My mom says I am too hard to myself. That may be, but I am responsible for the well being, both physically and mentally, of my kids and I take that job very seriously. I hope that all of my faults don't translate into my not teaching them something they need to know.
So that's the story today. More to come...
I took Mason to the doctor today. She was great. She totally agreed with me that it sounded like something was wrong. She thought, like I did, that it's weird that his behavior has changed since we came back from Utah, at the end of August. She thinks that something might have happened to him there. I don't know about that since I was with him all but the 2 days I was at CKU and few day trips with his grandparents. But we're going to get him evaluated by a child psychologist just in case. How sad that we have to go to a mental health professional for my 4 year old, but I know that they are specifically trained and know the right questions to ask to find out if there is anything wrong. I hope he tells me that there isn't anything wrong with Mason and that I am just crazy. (that would be true :) )
I feel so guilty because I feel like it's something I have done wrong. I have a bad temper and although I don't beat my kids or anything, I feel like I haven't taught them how to deal with their anger. My mom says I am too hard to myself. That may be, but I am responsible for the well being, both physically and mentally, of my kids and I take that job very seriously. I hope that all of my faults don't translate into my not teaching them something they need to know.
So that's the story today. More to come...
Sunday, September 18, 2005
I am truly worried about my little guy. Ever since we've been back from Utah, he has had some major behavioral issues. He cries, I mean tears and everything, at the drop of a hat, he freaks if we raise our voices to him, he whines, he doesn't listen etc. I don't know what to do. I am thinking of taking him to the doctor, just for a check up to see if he's ok. I hope she says that I'm a nervous nut of a mother and he's just behaving normal. But I fear that he's got something going on. Addi is so much easier to deal with then him. So sad! Going in public is embarrassing because if he doesn't get his own way, he WIGS OUT! Yesterday at Walmart he wanted to go look at the Playstation games. When there were too many people on the aisle to go there, he about lost his mind. NO amount of reasoning and finally threatening would stop the insanity. We hauled him around kicking and screaming like a 2 year old that doesn't understand why he can't have his own way. OH, dear, pray for us please!
I am truly worried about my little guy. Ever since we've been back from Utah, he has had some major behavioral issues. He cries, I mean tears and everything, at the drop of a hat, he freaks if we raise our voices to him, he whines, he doesn't listen etc. I don't know what to do. I am thinking of taking him to the doctor, just for a check up to see if he's ok. I hope she says that I'm a nervous nut of a mother and he's just behaving normal. But I fear that he's got something going on. Addi is so much easier to deal with then him. So sad! Going in public is embarrassing because if he doesn't get his own way, he WIGS OUT! Yesterday at Walmart he wanted to go look at the Playstation games. When there were too many people on the aisle to go there, he about lost his mind. NO amount of reasoning and finally threatening would stop the insanity. We hauled him around kicking and screaming like a 2 year old that doesn't understand why he can't have his own way. OH, dear, pray for us please!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Tag I'm it
So there is this thing going around in blogs where you get tagged and have to post 5 random things about yourself. Since I'm not cool enough to be on anyone's list (except you K), I tagged myself.
1. I love the color red. It was the first color I painted my walls (in the kitchen) when we bought this house. I love to wear the color. I love when Chris wears it and when my kids do too. It's hot, powerful, passionate and just plain makes me happy.
2. mexican it!! I practically dream about it. Chris can't stand it and will only eat it if I BEG. beans, cheese, tortillas, sour cream, more cheese...ummmmmmm!
3. I HATE to be hot! I will take cold any day. Being hot makes you sweaty and that is sooo unattractive. I avoid going outside in the summer, I think I even gained weight this summer from my hibernating. I hate being hot and sweaty...which leads me right into ...
4. I have a crazy sense of smell. I am super sensitive to smells. I worry that I smell bad. I worry that my house smells bad. If I can smell something stinky I stop at nothing to figure out what it is and get rid of it. I regularly scrub my trash can and that gross trap thing above the garbage disposal to destink them.
5. I can't go to bed until I have checked on and kissed my kids each night.
Ok, "K" you're it! (tried to link to your blog but I can't do it)
So there is this thing going around in blogs where you get tagged and have to post 5 random things about yourself. Since I'm not cool enough to be on anyone's list (except you K), I tagged myself.
1. I love the color red. It was the first color I painted my walls (in the kitchen) when we bought this house. I love to wear the color. I love when Chris wears it and when my kids do too. It's hot, powerful, passionate and just plain makes me happy.
2. mexican it!! I practically dream about it. Chris can't stand it and will only eat it if I BEG. beans, cheese, tortillas, sour cream, more cheese...ummmmmmm!
3. I HATE to be hot! I will take cold any day. Being hot makes you sweaty and that is sooo unattractive. I avoid going outside in the summer, I think I even gained weight this summer from my hibernating. I hate being hot and sweaty...which leads me right into ...
4. I have a crazy sense of smell. I am super sensitive to smells. I worry that I smell bad. I worry that my house smells bad. If I can smell something stinky I stop at nothing to figure out what it is and get rid of it. I regularly scrub my trash can and that gross trap thing above the garbage disposal to destink them.
5. I can't go to bed until I have checked on and kissed my kids each night.
Ok, "K" you're it! (tried to link to your blog but I can't do it)
Friday, September 16, 2005
I am totally addicted. I keep finding more and more that I HAVE to read. I am sad that I have been missing out on this all this time. I have recently figured out the whole blog thing and feel like a door has opened. :) I know where have I been right? It's sad that I am so puter illiterate, especially since my husband, like freakin' invented the computer (inside joke there Chris!) No seriously, he's brilliant and I am ... well... not so good. When we first got married I was in college and I couldn't even email my own professors. Anyhoo- I love blogs. I like how they each have links to more blogs in them. Oh, so fun. I have easily wasted many precious, children-in-bed hours surfing from one blog to the next, reading silly and funny things people post in their blogs. LOVE IT!!
Today I was going to keep things pretty mellow. Addi and I are on the homestretch of beating our sicknesses, (minus the whole puking thing at school yesterday) and we have had a pretty busy week this week. But, like usual, something started bugging me and it had to be fixed TODAY. I decided the downstairs bathroom needed to be repainted. So I went out to the garage to get the paint and almost got knocked down by the smell of the garbage. So we ended up taking the trash to the waste station and going to Lowe's for paint supplies. So much for the restful day, although the kids got some resting done watching "Go Diego, Go" all day while I painted. But my bathroom looks sooooo much better. Yeah me!
I am totally addicted. I keep finding more and more that I HAVE to read. I am sad that I have been missing out on this all this time. I have recently figured out the whole blog thing and feel like a door has opened. :) I know where have I been right? It's sad that I am so puter illiterate, especially since my husband, like freakin' invented the computer (inside joke there Chris!) No seriously, he's brilliant and I am ... well... not so good. When we first got married I was in college and I couldn't even email my own professors. Anyhoo- I love blogs. I like how they each have links to more blogs in them. Oh, so fun. I have easily wasted many precious, children-in-bed hours surfing from one blog to the next, reading silly and funny things people post in their blogs. LOVE IT!!
Today I was going to keep things pretty mellow. Addi and I are on the homestretch of beating our sicknesses, (minus the whole puking thing at school yesterday) and we have had a pretty busy week this week. But, like usual, something started bugging me and it had to be fixed TODAY. I decided the downstairs bathroom needed to be repainted. So I went out to the garage to get the paint and almost got knocked down by the smell of the garbage. So we ended up taking the trash to the waste station and going to Lowe's for paint supplies. So much for the restful day, although the kids got some resting done watching "Go Diego, Go" all day while I painted. But my bathroom looks sooooo much better. Yeah me!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Date Day
So today, Chris and I have our first official date lunch. (We decided to go to lunch every other week now that our kids are both in MDO.) I drove down to Nashville and we went to the "Tin Angel", a bistro type restaurant that was yummy. After lunch we got lost driving through the beautiful neighborhoods in dowtown Nashville. I didn't realize we were lost though since I apparently have a BAD sense of direction. (Bless Chris's heart for keeping his mouth shut as the passenger) We went to the mall to walk around a little but right when we made it to home store Mecca, aka Pottery Barn, my cell phone rang. It was the kids' school. Addi had thrown up and I needed to go get her. Now when you measure the distance from Smyrna to Nashville you don't do it in miles you do it in minutes, because of the traffic. Luckily it was the middle of the day, so only 2-3 of the 4 lanes on the freeway were full. I sped like a demon to get to their school. Addi was very upset, sitting on the floor of her classroom waiting for me. Poor baby. I snatched her up, chatted with her teacher and took my babies home. Addi is ok I think. She got diagnosed with an ear and sinus infection on Monday and I think she is still just recovering from that. She threw up because she got too upset at having to take a nap during quiet time. I guess I shouldn't have sent her to school today since she is so irritable and clingy still. Hopefully our next date day will go better!
So today, Chris and I have our first official date lunch. (We decided to go to lunch every other week now that our kids are both in MDO.) I drove down to Nashville and we went to the "Tin Angel", a bistro type restaurant that was yummy. After lunch we got lost driving through the beautiful neighborhoods in dowtown Nashville. I didn't realize we were lost though since I apparently have a BAD sense of direction. (Bless Chris's heart for keeping his mouth shut as the passenger) We went to the mall to walk around a little but right when we made it to home store Mecca, aka Pottery Barn, my cell phone rang. It was the kids' school. Addi had thrown up and I needed to go get her. Now when you measure the distance from Smyrna to Nashville you don't do it in miles you do it in minutes, because of the traffic. Luckily it was the middle of the day, so only 2-3 of the 4 lanes on the freeway were full. I sped like a demon to get to their school. Addi was very upset, sitting on the floor of her classroom waiting for me. Poor baby. I snatched her up, chatted with her teacher and took my babies home. Addi is ok I think. She got diagnosed with an ear and sinus infection on Monday and I think she is still just recovering from that. She threw up because she got too upset at having to take a nap during quiet time. I guess I shouldn't have sent her to school today since she is so irritable and clingy still. Hopefully our next date day will go better!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Ok here's the deal with the name of this blog. My family and I just moved here to the south a little over a year ago. So we are still getting used to living in the "bible belt". (What is the bible belt anyway?) Every where we go we hear the term blessed, such as, "Have a blessed day," etc. I do know how incredibly blessed I am, to live in this country, to have such a great family and be able to stay at home with my 2 awesome kids. But it's just kind of different to hear the term blessed used so frequently. So, there it is...and have a blessed day!
Monday, September 12, 2005
woe is me
I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I have a cold. I am such a wimp. Addi went to the doctor today and has a sinus and ear infection and she is doing SO much better than I am. I am pretty pathetic. But I do have to say how fabulous my kids are. Since I am so pathetic, I absolutely had to have a nap today. Addi slept beside me and sweet Mason just played downstairs. What a great kid!!!! Took them out for ice cream as a thank you!
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