Saturday, June 07, 2008

Long time no talk...

So yeah, we're all still alive and kickin'. The kicking part is literal. How many more weeks until school starts?

I'm having some issues with my blog. I am thinking of deleting it. Not sure. What do you all think?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Got lots to say, but not enough time to say it. Here is a cliff-notes version of what we've been doing:

  • Over the weekend, we went yard sale-ing. FUN!! My kids love it as much as I do. Chris was at the temple with the YM, so I took all 3 kids w/ me. We totally scored! Mucho projects coming!!!
  • Sunday we went to Stake Conference. There isn't a church in the area that can accommodate our entire stake, so they rented out a ball room in the Embassy Suites. It was still so crowded that Mason and Addi had to sit on the floor. So weird to go to church at a hotel.
  • Chris worked. A lot! Like usual. He had a good birthday. I suck at giving presents. He knew all 3 of his gifts before he even opened them. I tried so hard too. I should have him give me lessons on how to be a good gift giver.
  • Mason had soccer practice and a game on Saturday, went on a field trip to the zoo on Monday and got an award for being the top reader in his class! Go Mason! (Today I was helping him with his homework and he is starting to add double digits. Seriously, double digits in first grade?!!??)
  • Addi did the monkey bars at home and at the park for the millionth time and had a gigantic blister on the palm of her hand to show for it. For getting all her points this week (we use a behavior point system) she and I went on a date. We ate at Subway, then went to Claires, Kohls and Target. She was soooo cute. At Kohls, they were selling Kung Fu Panda stuffed animals. Mason has been talking about that movie for months. So she bought him one of the pandas. Isn't that so sweet!! At Claires, she browsed through everything, finally settling on a princess necklace with 3 different charms and some flower earrings. I had as much fun as she did. I think she is only going to get more fun as she grows up!!
  • Kannon is starting to get one of his top, middle teeth. He has been so delightful, even with teething. He is taking really good naps and eating really well too. Sleeping at night, eh, not so much! oh well :)
  • I have been trying to keep up with everyone and everything. I did a couple of photo shoots. Both sets of pictures had issues, so I'm getting a new laptop tomorrow. GO me!!

That's pretty much it. School gets out in 3 days...BOOOO HOOOOO!! But we leave for Utah in 22 days! YAY!

no pictures tonight because I'm too lazy.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Today is my sweetie's birthday! I am so thankful and grateful for him. He is the BEST!!! Here are 35 things about him on his 35th birthday:

  • He is the hardest working man alive.

  • He is FUNNY!

  • He loves Mountain Dew

  • He is a fun and very devoted dad.

  • He puts up with me!

  • He has worked for the same company for 12 years.

  • He drives a crappy car so I can drive a nice one.

  • He is incredibly generous.

  • He is very complimentary to me in everything I do (He loves my cooking, home decorating, scrapbook projects, etc)

  • He helps with anything I ask him to do, such as assembling Christmas cards or birthday invitations.

  • He joined the church in 2006 and we are a forever family now.

  • He loves my mama as much as I do.

  • He is easy going.

  • He lets me control the checkbook and never gets mad at me about it.

  • He deals with my freakiness-handwashing, being a know-it-all, germaphobe, etc.

  • He is hands down the best gift giver I have ever seen.

  • His favorite color is black.

  • He has really long fingers and freakishly long nail beds. (I tell him that all the time)

  • He listens to metal music.

  • He is super smart and can figure out almost anything.

  • He snores like crazy. He says I do too, but I think it's just himself he hears. :)

  • He is very handsome!!

  • He didn't ever have facial hair until I asked him to grow a goatee to see what it looked like on him. Now he has had one for about 7 years and I love it!

  • His favorite holiday is Christmas, just like mine.

  • He took the day off from work today so we could just hang out. It was lovely!

  • He has a very strong sense of duty.

  • He doesn't care how I decorate the house, except his office.

  • He takes very good care of his shoes. They are always very shiny.

  • He treats me like a princess and spoils me rotten.

  • He is going to be really busy this weekend with church stuff and I will miss him.

  • He always tells me I'm beautiful even when I have crazy morning hair and breath.

  • He has special nick names for each of our kids and it's soooo cute!

  • He was in the Army.

  • He has one sister who we miss alot. She lives in Oklahoma. (Hi Mel, if you're reading this.)

  • He is the best husband and father in the world. We are so lucky to have him in our lives.

Happy Birthday sweetie! I love you!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Aren't there some days when you want to run screaming from your house, pulling your hair out as you go? In my big struggle moments, I often mumble that I need a vacation. When my kids ask me where we're going, I say I'm going anywhere....ALONE!!! No one ever told me how hard this job would be. Although I should have known those times my brother and I hid under the table my mom was decorating wedding cakes on and "accidentally" bumped it, would come back to haunt me.

Today I received an email from a list I am on that linked to a story called Surviving on the Mercies of Motherhood. I just nodded and shook my head as I read it. The following paragraph even brought a little tear to my eye:

"So here’s my theory: Heavenly Father knew how challenging motherhood would be for each of us—physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. So He sends us “mother mercies.” You know the moments—the ones that sneak up on you and make you smile or laugh—or teary-eyed. It’s like the time I caught a whiff of my five-year-old and realized he’d put on his daddy’s deodorant that morning. Or when he used to pray nightly, “Please bless that morning will come in five minutes.” It’s the time I found a bar of soap in my bathroom with one (and only one) set of teeth marks in it. Or when my preschooler asked me, “Why did Jesus cover our bones with skin?”

These "motherhood mercies" are what make me sooooooooooooo grateful to be a mother. Getting spit up on, refereeing sibling wars, changing poopy diapers, finding half eaten pizza under the couch and 3-4x nightly wakings are all worth it when Kannon grabs my face and snuggles into me, Addi writes me love notes and tells me I'm beautiful and Mason wants to hold my hand in public. I love being a mommy!

Happy Mothers Day to all of you!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Memory Monday

Since I am lame and can't think of what else to write, I'm going to jump on this band wagon and see if I can keep up with it.

I was just thinking earlier how naive and judgemental I used to be about motherhood. I thought being a stay at home mom was so easy. Oh sure, I knew there were moments that could be difficult, but as a whole...easy peasy. Um yeah-then I became a stay at home mom and now I KNOW that it's dang hard. I also used to have all these grand ideas about what my future kids would and would not do. hahahaha! I said that my kids would never sleep with me, would not have tv's in their rooms, wouldn't ever have snot noses, would be perfectly groomed at all times and that I wouldn't be one of those mom's who screamed at her kids in Walmart.

Ok, reality check.

  • Addi slept with me since the day she was born until about a year ago. Now she (sometimes) goes to sleep in her room, but usually comes into my room in the middle of the night. Kannon starts out in his bed, but always ends up in mine.

  • Both big kids have tv's and dvd players in their rooms.

  • Mason regularly wipes his snotty nose on his arm. As often as I've threatened to Chlorox his arms and hands, you would think he wouldn't, but oh yes, he still does. He freaks out at the sound of someone blowing their nose, so he refuses.

  • Both of the big kids hate snaps or buttons on their pants. Also, ALL shirts must be tagless. So my choices are very limited in the cute department for their clothing. They are both mess magnets too and constantly spill ketchup or chocolate milk in themselves. Addi is getting tons better about letting me do her hair though.

  • I am always the mom screaming at her kids in Walmart. I don't know what it is about that store, but the second we walk in there, we all lose our minds. The kids misbehave and I turn into momzilla.

We had a pretty good weekend. Saturday we went to our Stake Primary Activity in Mount Juliet. It was pretty fun. Afterwards we had to run a few errands before coming back to Smyrna for Mason's soccer game. (He's back to playing again. I had a talk with him and told him that he needed to stick it out and that he could have a big treat right before his game for energy. He is tearing it up and really enjoying it now.) That night Chris was going to go out with the missionaries, but the family they were going to teach cancelled. Sunday we had church. Then Chris did fast offerings with his deacons. We ate dinner, played games and I worked on my many projects (mothers day, teacher gifts etc) and edited pictures for a client.

I know I'm lame, but I can't think of anything else to write. So I guess I'll just end with pictures of my babes. Addi (she got her face painted from family night a Chick-fil-a) and Kannon taking swing in the back yard. And baby K just being super cute!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Our playroom

Here is my disclaimer: I take pictures of people, not rooms so these pictures aren't the best quality. Please don't judge my photography by these crappy pictures. :)

#1 BEFORE: This is the 2nd before actually. I don't have a photo of what it looked like before I started the first time. We had a set of bookshelves in here for the longest time, with baskets that held toys. My kids aren't in to playing with toys the way they used to be so I reorganized and put the shelves in Addi's room. I added the office area so I could have a place to put my laptop to edit photos for my photography. On the wall, Mason and Addi's pictures were in a row on the green stripe painted across the room. But when we had Kannon I didn't know what to do with his pictures. So I painted the rectangles. But they look so cheesy, so I had to think of something else.

#2 DURING: I painted the 2 of the smaller walls and a large stripe on one of the vaulted walls green. I was afraid that the color was too flourescent (hello 80's punk green) but now that the stuff is back in there on the walls, I like it more.

#3, 4 AFTER I am so happy to be done. Well, pretty much done. There are always odds and ends to finish. Here are some of the things I did:
Picture ledge- I bought a 1 x 4 and a 1x 3 both 9 ft long, screwed them together then spray painted them. Cost of about $15. I painted a bunch of different picture frames I had black to match. The letters (A,M, K) are paper mache from Joann that I painted the colors in the curtains.
Bookshelf- the IKEA expedit. I have had my eye on it forever. I was planning on making a trip to Atlanta to get one, but luckily I found one on Craigs List for $100. The baskets and containers are various ones I've purchased from Target. The colorful ones are shoe boxes that I covered with scrapbook paper, then clear contact paper.

In the large space between the bookshelf and picture ledge I am planning a artwork holder for my kids' masterpieces. I'll post that when I finish it.

#5 Office Area: The magnet board and cork board were in other areas of my house. I just spray painted them to match and hung them here. The fabric for the chair cover and curtains came from Hobby Lobby. I can't follow a pattern, so I just made it up as I went. I ripped up the carpet and laid 12 x 12 floor tiles from Lowe's. They were only $1 a piece. I thought it would be so easy. Yeah, it was A LOT more work than I thought. I wanted to do the entire floor, but the office area was so much work so I only did there. I do love the way it turned out. To the right of the office area is my scrapbook room, aka closet. The tiles go into there.

I didn't post pictures of the other wall. It has the kids' computer and the play kitchen. I have also hung some old windows that are framing pictures of my kids and some reproduction game boards. I like the idea of putting game boards on the wall in the playroom.

I hope this all makes sense. It was lots of work, but I love decorating, so it was lots of fun too. It's a happy, colorful eclectic space that our entire family uses now.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Playing catch up

2 weekends ago was the air show at the Smyrna airport. We live really close so we got to see the airplanes practicing the week leading up to it. Our neighbor is in the Air Force and had tickets so she invited us to go. Chris took the big kids, while I stayed home with the little man. They all had a blast! It was really cold and windy so we didn't plan for the sun and everyone got way sunburned. Oops. Addi got to bounce on one of those bungy jump things and loved it. They also got to sit in an airplane and see the Navy Blue Angel planes up close.

The weather has been really nice. We've been playing outside almost every day. And yes, that's Kannon in his jammies outside in the afternoon. Some days are just like that. Mason has been riding his big boy bike that was too big for him last year. Addi has been riding her scooter and begging Chris to take the training wheels off her big girl bike. We've also been going for walks almost every night.

On Tuesday Kannon and I got to go on Addi's field trip to the Nashville Zoo. It was the perfect day to go. Now I know that Addi isn't the only drama whiney girl. You would have thought those Kindergarteners were being tortured with all the whining that was going on. "I'm tired," "My feet hurt," "I'm thirsty," "I don't see any animals," "I can't walk anymore," etc. I'm just glad I chose to drive and didn't have to ride the bus, with no air conditioning, home.

Let's see, what else have we been doing? Mason started and then quit soccer, Addi is now done with dancing - we wil lbe in Utah for her recital so she doesn't get to perform in it, Kannon is doing patty cake now and it is THE cutest thing ever (the video is posted below), I am almost done with my playroom re do. I just have a few little details left and I will post some pictures. I guess that's about it for now. I have tons more stuff to post about the many projects I have been doing but I'll save it for the next one. Have a great weekend!!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

a little quiz

I saw this on a blog that I read and thought I would join in.

Where were you born? Logan Ut
Middle name: don't have one
How old will you be this year? already turned 32
Nicknames: Mom, sweetums, sissy
Are you taller than your mother or father? I feel rather tall next to my sweet little mama, but I'm 6 inches shorter than my dad
Do you cry often during movies? sometimes
What is your biggest pet peeve? relentless sniffing, slow driving, selfishness
Favorite color: red
Favorite foods: candy, home cooking
Favorite beverage: fountain coke, diet mtn dew
Favorite cold cereal: Frosted mini-wheats
Favorite Smells: baby K
Favorite time of day: when my kids are in bed and I can gather my thoughts
What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Paul Mitchell Super Strong
Make-up products? Rimmell
How many pillows do you sleep with? one
Do you play an instrument? I can kind of play the piano, but I haven't in a long time
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? Horton Hears a Who
What is your favorite article of clothing? my jammies
What is your dream vacation? somewhere warm and beachy with childcare so we can stay a long time
What was your first impression of your spouse? I loved his confidence
If you were an animal what would you be? a cat or something lazy
What is your favorite "me- time" activity? a pedicure
What is one of your weaknesses? I am super picky about too many things
What do you fix for dinner when there's nothing to fix? Breakfast or a sammy
If you could live in a different decade/era which one would it be? I'm pretty happy here and now
What is the emotion you feel the most? right now it's frustration mixed with love
Do you consider yourself outgoing? yup
What is something you are constantly working on? trying to better myself...always!
Any hidden talents? I can I'm kidding. I'm not a girl to keep something hidden.
What is a word or phrase you overuse? Dude!

What was the hardest thing that happened to you this past year? having a baby
What is the best thing that happened to you so far this year? having a growing baby
The best piece of advice you learned this past year? I haven't mastered it, but I'm working on it, it's "When all else fails, lower your expectations."
Who are the 6 people you are going to tag to do this survey? Anyone who wants to.
Now post the most recent pic. you have taken of yourself. My brithday

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Kannon jumping

Ok, let's see if this works. This video is of K man doing a little jig in his johny jump up! I'm sorry it's not upright. I don't know how to turn a video. Just turn your screen sideways and enjoy! :)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I am majorly into decorating my house lately. I have found a ton of fun decorating blogs that have inspired me. I want to hang out with her, this one has lots of fun ideas, then there's this one, this one has some pics from a recent show (oh it makes me so home sick for the craft shows in Utah), and this one has a little bit of everything. Here are a few more. This is a good one too-great ideas from all sorts of people.

I have been so inspired by all the great stuff I have read, that I did a little spring refreshing in my house. I was really frustrated because I had a hard time finding the cute kind of stuff I had in mind. If I was in Utah, I would know right where to go to find some cute items. But here in TN, I had to work quite a bit harder. I bought a few things and then dug through my own stash for some things. Pic #1 is the shelf in my living room. I made it myself shortly after we moved in. My mom gave me the antique glass door knobs and I wanted a cool way to display them. Above the shelf is a wreath that I got at Michaels. I also got the apothecary jar there. I haven't found anything to put in it yet, but I'm still looking. The spools are some that I have collected for the past 10 years or so. The cute stitchery, in the black frame was made by my sweet friend Sandy. The key, which I found at Hobby Lobby is a picture holder. It's so cute. I need to make something to go in it.
Pic #2 is on top of my entertainment center. I got the scale on ebay. The pitcher is a vintage one I scored from my grandma. The sticks inside came from Michaels. The globe thingy and clock both came from Hobby Lobby, and the box is one that I have had for years. Pic #3 is in my dining area. The cute stichery here is from my dear friend Joanna. The picture holder thing is actually a vintage find. It's an old cashiers drawer. When I bought it, it still had some receipts stuck in it from the 1950's. So cool! The piece underneath is a vinyl tile. My mom had it made for me, where? You guessed it, Utah. I'm saving my pennies to buy tons of stuff when we go there in June.
I hope you are all enjoying your spring!

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Check this out. If he isn't the cutest baby ever, I don't know who is!!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Another week gone by

Apparently I can't update this thing more than once a week, so I'll just give a synopsis of the last few days.

Monday through Friday my kids were out of school for spring break. Each day went a little something like this: wake up, eat breakfast, play, fight, fight, eat lunch, fight, cry, fight, Fight, FIGHT, scream(by me), cry(by me), time out(for me), make dinner, fight, lament that we are all so bored, bath, put to bed, fight, fight, put to bed, sass, fight, and finally-go to sleep, only to do it all over again the next day. Add in some diaper changing, nursing, cleaning and bad weather and we had a many more days do I have until school gets hoo!!!! Addi wasn't feeling well because of her HSP, so she was very grouchy. Mason completely capitalized on that and tormented her. Ah, good times!

Despite my kids telling me repeatedly how boring I am, we did have a little fun. We went to Chuck E Cheese, the "fish mall" aka Opry Mills, where we played glow in the dark miniature golf, ate lunch and had ice cream. We also went to the park, ate lunch at Chilli's, and saw "Horton Hears a Who" in the theater. Man, what I wouldn't have given to have "such a boring time" when I was a kid.

Kannon is sitting up by himself now. It's the cutest thing. He's so proud and gets so excited. He makes an "ooooooooo" sound so everyone will look at him. He is starting to babble more. He's been saying "dah, dah, dah, dah" which Chris says is him saying daddy. He's eating more and more solid foods. He eats a jar of stage 2 baby food every night with some rice cereal. During the day I usually give him some mashed up bananas and/or some bitty pieces of bread to eat too. He loves it. Everyone who sees him falls in love with him. Yesterday when we were at the oil changing place he had everyone smiling and laughing at him. He is such a delightful baby.

Addi had another check up today. Her legs look like she fell down a flight of stairs, but our doc said that she looks better than she did and the bruising is normal for this disease. She had to have blood work and didn't even cry. She is so tough. She doesn't have to go back to the dr unti school gets out. Woo hoo!!

Chris was at the temple tonight, so Mason was the man of the house. He was such a huge help. He went upstairs and bathed himself while I was feeding Kannon, then helped me bath both Kannon and Addi. Then he entertained Addi while I braided her hair. He's such a big helper.

I don't have any pics to post because I havne't downloaded my camera in a while and I'm too lazy to do it. So that's it for now. Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

one more thing...

I had to enable the word verification step because of those stinkin' automated comments. Sorry...I know it's a pain to have to type those letters in.

Poor girl

So we went for a follow up check up at our doctor today and I am more concerned about Addi than ever.
He told us that HSP or Henoch-Schonlein purpura the condition that Addi has, is an auto immune disease that affects blood vessels. It causes vasculitis, which causes swelling, bruising, and red rash-like bumps on the lower extremities. It can cause some serious problems, so it's suggested that the patient have follow up labs once a week for 6 months, then once a month for 3 years. Holy moly! Our doc did lab work and everything was normal so we have to go back next week, then probably once a month or so. Wow! It's so scary. Our poor girl. She has been so irritable. She has complained of aching legs, a headache, a backache and a stomach ache. I guess it's no wonder she is so grouchy.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter?

Whew...our Easter was crazy.

Addi has had a rash on her legs for a few days. She has sentsitive skin, so certain soaps and lotions make her break out, so we geve her some benadryl and figured it would go away. Well, she woke up at midnight Saturday night crying saying she couldn't walk. She is very dramatic, so I didn't worry too much about it until I looked at her ankles, or where they should have been. Her feet and ankles were so swollen, I couldn't even see the ankle bone. I totally freaked out and worried and paced until Chris and I decided that I should take her to the ER. We said a prayer, Chris gave her a blessing and she fell back to sleep so we decided to wait until the morning. When we woke up, she said she felt much better but she was still limping, her rash was way worse and her feet were very swollen. So I called our doctor and he said that there isn't a good reason for a child's feet to be swollen so not only did we need to take her to the ER, we needed to go to the Vanderbilt ER. (That's the big fat children's hospital in the area.) So we dropped Mason at our awesome neighbor's house and went to the hospital.

We expected a big wait, but they took us right back when we got there. The doctor and 2 nurses met us in the room. They checked her out and decided to run some labs. The dr said he thought she had "HSP" and was going to start an IV. Ok, I was totally freaked out then. Addi is petrified of IV's and I thought it had to be pretty serious for them to start an IV in a 5 yr old. The nurses were amazing and explained everything to her. She was very brave and didn't cry at all. She barely even flinched. After the tests, the doctors decided that the diagnosis of HSP was correct. It is an inflamation of the blood vessels. It's probably a virus that she got from having a weakened immune system from having strep throat a few weeks ago. It can be serious and cause a bowel obstruction or kidney issues. But luckily she didn't have any of those complications. Most of the doctors and nurses there hadn't seen HSP before so everyone kept coming into her room to take a look. One of the doctors even took pictures to document it for teaching purposes. Addi thought it was awesome all the attention she got and she even got to control the remote in her room (which she never gets to at home because of Mason.) They told us just to watch her and follow up with her doctor later this week. Vanderbilt is such an awesome hospital, if a hospital experience can be labeled as good, ours certainly was.

We did manage to color easter eggs, have a small indoor egg hunt and get some fun easter baskets too. We were bummed out not to go to church on Easter Sunday, but we are grateful that our little princess is doing better. And for the wonderful
family we have.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Monday, March 03, 2008


Lovely isn't it? This is a representation of me and what I have been doing since LAST WEDNESDAY! I have the freaking influenza. Oh yes, it's true! I got the nasal swab to prove it. This is the 2nd time I have had it. What's up with that? At least this time I was home and not in Oklahoma City (Hi Mel!) and luckily I'm the only one who got it. Our doc thought that Kannon might have had a mild case of it, since he was a little fussy and had a runny nose, but thanks to my meticulous handwashing, no one else got it. (the meticulous handwashing comment is an inside joke to Chris since he always makes fun of my being the handwashing natzi.)

Monday, February 25, 2008


Holy cow....I am pumped! The cast of the Twilight Movie has been announced. These actors are pretty close to what was in my mind. The characters are from the left: Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Jasper.

I got the picture and info from Stephanie Meyer's website so hopefully it's accurate.

I CAN NOT WAIT to see this movie!!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Accomplishing Stuff

This little guy has been sleeping so much better this week (knock on wood) at least during the day. So I have been able to accomplish enough that I don't feel so overwhelmed by my house. Yay! Yesterday I got all caught up on laundry, cleaned the upstairs bathroom, dusted the up and down stairs and swept and mopped the kitchen. Today, it's only 9:50am and I have cleaned my bathroom, vaccuumed the house and scrubbed the living room carpet. Woo hoo! Now I have the rest of the day to play!

The weather here in TN is pretty mild, but I am still ready for spring. My kids need to play outside to get rid of some energy and I would love to open the windows for some fresh air. It would be nice to wear my beloved flip flops again too. Soon, it will be here, then it will be hot and then I'll be complaining about the heat and humidity. I guess I'm never happy! :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hubby Tag

I have seen this on a bunch of blogs, so I thought I would tag myself and do it. If you're reading this, consider your self tagged too.

What is his name? Chris
How long have you been married? this June, we will have been married for 10 years
Who long did you date? about a year or so
How old is he? 34
Who eats more sweets? definitely me, except when it comes to ice cream...Chris loves his nightly ice cream
Who said I love you first? I'm sure he did, but I don't recall the exact moment
Who is taller? he is-He is 6'2" and I am 5'3"
Who can sing better? I can and I'm not that great-bless his heart
Who is smarter? he is, he seems to know everything. But he wouldn't know I thought that he was smarter because I am a bossy know-it-all. (trying to work on that)
Who does the laundry? me. I'm sure he would do it, but I freak if he goes near it
Who pays the bills? me. He is super busy and I'm a control freak, so it just works better that way. It also is beneficial to me because then he doesn't know what I spend money on. :)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does so I can sleep closer to Kannon's basinet
Who mows the lawn? Funny you should ask...this is a source of contention for us. I think the grass needs to be cut once a week, which is an unreasonable amount, in his mind. "It needs to be longer to be healthy," he says. Um yeah, 10 inch grass is super healthy. :) He's just hates yard work. Anyway, 2 yrs ago I wised up and hired a company to cut it. Chris felt a bit unmanly because, "A guy is supposed to cut his own lawn." So he tried to do it last summer. Luckily we had a drought and our lawn didn't grown much, but even then, I had to beg him to do it. And yes, before you ask, we DO have a riding lawn mower. This year, he has finally come to terms with the fact that he can devote his precious time off to our family, have someone else mow our lawn and keep his man card. It's a win-win situation!!!
Who cooks dinner? me. Chris helps where he can.
Who drives? Always him. When we drove here to move from UT, he drove probably 26 of the 27 hours.
Who is more stubborn? we both are. He's more stubborn with the kids though.
Who kissed who first? I can't remember (real romantic, aren't I?)
Who asked who out first? I can't remember who asked whom out, but we ate at Maple Garden. Who proposed? I did actually. Kind of dorky though. (I am embarrassed to write this) I used Chewy Sprees because he loves them. I think I still have them somewhere. I did pout until he got down on one knee though.
Who has more siblings? we both have one. I have one brother and he has one sister.
Who wears the pants? I think he and I would both agree that I do. He's just pretty easy going. If he felt strongly about something, I would totally back down.

Chris is the BEST husband and treats me lots better than I deserve. He is hands down, the best gift giver ever!!!!! He could do classes for other men out there. He is very thoughtful, always sweet to me and rarely looses his temper (with me). I am so spoiled by him with how he treats me and the things he does for me. I love his guts and am so glad he's stuck with me forever, like super glue!!! :)

Sunday, February 10, 2008


We had a crazy week!!!! Addi was super sick with strep. Poor thing. She hasn't been that sick for a very long time. She is finally feeling better. Kannon and I had a rough time because our routine got messed up. He didn't like having to share me with his sister during the day and I didn't like not being able to take my nap when Kannon does. We should have a better week this week!

Mr Kannon is a crazy messy eater, but is really enjoying sweet potatoes, carrots and bananas.
Kannon is starting to like his excersaucer and little more. He will actually sit in it and play for a little bit. Yay me!
This week for movie night, we watched Snow Buddies. So to go a long with that, I showed the kids how to make snowflakes with paper and they loved it! It kept them busy and tv free for almost an hour.
I can't believe how much these two look alike! Today at church at least 4 different people came up to me to comment on how much they both look like their dad. They both remind me of my brother Jon who has blonde hair and blue eyes. But there is no denying that they look like their dad too.

Monday, February 04, 2008

movie night

Inspired by a blog that I like to read, our family has institued movie night on Friday nights. We all get together and watch a movie with some fun snacks or prizes. So far we have done Ratatouille with an Emil ring toss and yo yo's that I found on Clearance, Spiderman 3 with cute Spiderman masks, Monsters Inc with monster cookies and last Friday we watched The Game Plan and ate football fare: hot dogs, chips and cookies. We have had a good time and it's a fun thing that we all look forward to all week. We usually set up a blanket on the living room floor to eat and watch our movie. Good times!

Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley

My good friend Sandy called last night to let us know that President Hinckley, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints passed away. He was 97 years old. I am very sad to hear this news. Not sad for him because I know he is rejoicing in Heaven to be reunited with his dear wife Marjorie, but sad for me. He is "my prophet", because he is the one who was the prophet for most of my adult life. His words and his works have inspired me so much. He has made me want to be a better person. He's was such a wonderful example to me and to everyone else. I can't express near as eloquently as others about what he has done, but his influence will affect me and my family for the rest of our lives. I love you and will miss you President Hinckley.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Splash Bash

We had Mason's birthday party yesterday at the YMCA. It was fabulous!! All I had to do was bring cupcakes. No stress at all!!! After we had cake and opened presents, all the kids and some lucky parents :) went swimming. They all had a bunch of fun!


Our good friend Sam (and her grandson Alex) got us tickets to the Ringling Brothers Circus on Thursday. We had the best seats and had a total blast!! Well, all of us except Kannon, he wasn't all that thrilled by the noise and pretty much just nursed the entire time. The theme was "Bello-bration." Bello was a funny dare devil clown that had hair pointing up. He threw some hair into the stand and Chris caught one for Mason. There was a cool lion act, an elephant act, a puppy act, the clowns were really funny (and I hate clowns), there was a tight rope walker, trapeze artists and cool gymnasts. It was awesome! Please excuse the poor quality pictures, I never take my good camera with me any more. It's too much work! So I just use my crappy point and shoot. Oh well, it's the memoreis, right?