Lovely isn't it? This is a representation of me and what I have been doing since LAST WEDNESDAY! I have the freaking influenza. Oh yes, it's true! I got the nasal swab to prove it. This is the 2nd time I have had it. What's up with that? At least this time I was home and not in Oklahoma City (Hi Mel!) and luckily I'm the only one who got it. Our doc thought that Kannon might have had a mild case of it, since he was a little fussy and had a runny nose, but thanks to my meticulous handwashing, no one else got it. (the meticulous handwashing comment is an inside joke to Chris since he always makes fun of my being the handwashing natzi.)
Sorry you're sick! I hope you feel better soon. It just goes to show that washing your hands often does help! I'm the nazi at our house, too!
Get better soon so we can party!
Sorry I am not there to help you, but I am in spirit. Hope your birthday is great and you "March 4th" in whatever you want to do.
Love you to death, Mom
Im sorry to here your not feeling well. I hope you have a great birthday even thou!
Happy Birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you are feeling better,you poor thing!
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