Monday, May 05, 2008

Memory Monday

Since I am lame and can't think of what else to write, I'm going to jump on this band wagon and see if I can keep up with it.

I was just thinking earlier how naive and judgemental I used to be about motherhood. I thought being a stay at home mom was so easy. Oh sure, I knew there were moments that could be difficult, but as a whole...easy peasy. Um yeah-then I became a stay at home mom and now I KNOW that it's dang hard. I also used to have all these grand ideas about what my future kids would and would not do. hahahaha! I said that my kids would never sleep with me, would not have tv's in their rooms, wouldn't ever have snot noses, would be perfectly groomed at all times and that I wouldn't be one of those mom's who screamed at her kids in Walmart.

Ok, reality check.

  • Addi slept with me since the day she was born until about a year ago. Now she (sometimes) goes to sleep in her room, but usually comes into my room in the middle of the night. Kannon starts out in his bed, but always ends up in mine.

  • Both big kids have tv's and dvd players in their rooms.

  • Mason regularly wipes his snotty nose on his arm. As often as I've threatened to Chlorox his arms and hands, you would think he wouldn't, but oh yes, he still does. He freaks out at the sound of someone blowing their nose, so he refuses.

  • Both of the big kids hate snaps or buttons on their pants. Also, ALL shirts must be tagless. So my choices are very limited in the cute department for their clothing. They are both mess magnets too and constantly spill ketchup or chocolate milk in themselves. Addi is getting tons better about letting me do her hair though.

  • I am always the mom screaming at her kids in Walmart. I don't know what it is about that store, but the second we walk in there, we all lose our minds. The kids misbehave and I turn into momzilla.

We had a pretty good weekend. Saturday we went to our Stake Primary Activity in Mount Juliet. It was pretty fun. Afterwards we had to run a few errands before coming back to Smyrna for Mason's soccer game. (He's back to playing again. I had a talk with him and told him that he needed to stick it out and that he could have a big treat right before his game for energy. He is tearing it up and really enjoying it now.) That night Chris was going to go out with the missionaries, but the family they were going to teach cancelled. Sunday we had church. Then Chris did fast offerings with his deacons. We ate dinner, played games and I worked on my many projects (mothers day, teacher gifts etc) and edited pictures for a client.

I know I'm lame, but I can't think of anything else to write. So I guess I'll just end with pictures of my babes. Addi (she got her face painted from family night a Chick-fil-a) and Kannon taking swing in the back yard. And baby K just being super cute!


Kim said...

We clearly had the same visions of what our children would be like. . . as the mother of three boys, do I need to tell you that there's constant snot on sleeves, stains on shorts, jam in hair, and an insane screaming mother?! I loved this post!

Sylv said...

Well, I read your blog this morning at work and started to cry because I want you right here with me to enjoy you, Chris and the kids. I miss you more every day. I cannot wait until June when you come. You are such the good mom, wife, and daughter and I love you very much. Mom Sylv

Joanna said...

I'm right there with you! LOL, about the Wal-mart thing! I kept forgetting to ask you how it went wit the missionaries, I am sad they canceled :( I love that pic with Addi & Kannon! Too adorable!!!