Sunday, December 23, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Thanksgiving: We had a nice quiet morning at home before going to Joanna's house for a yummy dinner. I really missed my family, but if you can't be with family, having good friends is the BEST. Here is a picture of us after Thanksgiving dinner.
Black Friday: I was going to go shopping. I even got up at 4:00am to go to Best Buy by 5:00am. But I quickly decided there wasn't anything I needed that bad to go out that early, and I went back to bed! When we all got up later, we decided to go shopping. It was so much fun! We all just went in our jammies/sweats. Addi had Chris's gigantic sweatshirt on and looked so cute. We went to Best Buy and Target and got almost everything that was on my list. I think we may have started a new tradition of going together as a family.
Christmas: We got our Christmas decorations up. Mason and Addi were dying to get our tree done. It took me a few days, but it's done. It takes me 2-3 times longer to do things now then they used to. I am really happy with how everything turned out. I made a few things like some ornaments, and sign and a new tree skirt. I'll try to post pictures of them soon.
I have been working on my Chrismas cards since November and I finally put the stamps on them today and will get them in the mail tomorrow. Go me!
My Christmas shopping is almost done too. Go me again! I have done a bunch of it online...SOOOO much easier. I just need to finish up and few last details and then I'll be able to relax!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Kannon had his 2 month check up today. He weighs 11 lbs 1 oz and is 23 inches long. That's my big boy! He also got shots. It was terrible! He had to get poked 3 times in his poor chubby little legs. He took a big nap afterward, but when he woke up...whew! He didn't stop crying for about 2 hours. It was the sad, hurt cry too. Poor buddy. His legs are just killing him.
I am pretty homesick right now. I love the Holidays in Utah! The chilly air, the fun craft fairs, MY FAMILY. I really like Tennessee, but it's just not home!
I guess that's it for now. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
the Pumpkin Eater
Monday, November 12, 2007
Our weekend away
We went to the LDS Distribution to get temple clothing for our upcoming sealing. I forgot my temple recommend so we weren't able to get everything we needed. However, we did get Mason and Addi's sweet little outfits. I can't wait until December 21!!!!!
After Distribution, we went to the Liahona, an LDS bookstore. We found lots of fun stuff there...some books that we have been wanting and some Christmas presents. Addi couldn't find a prize and she wasn't feeling well, so she completely melted down! Oh my, the drama!
After that, we headed home. I swear it took twice as long to get home as it did to ge there. Mason was bored, Kannon was fussy and Addi wasn't feeling well. So it was a long trip. Actually it was a good trial run for our trip to Disneyworld in December.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Kannon's Blessing

Thursday, November 01, 2007
We had a good time-we went to our ward trunk or treat then came home and went trick or treating at a few neighborhood houses. It was a super fun day for the kids, but an exhausting day for me. I love Halloween, but I'm so glad it's over!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Good day!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
life with 3 kids
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
One Month
OK, I tried to post some pictures, but it won't work. So I'll post pics when it gets fixed.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
We're Alive

Monday, September 24, 2007
More pics
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
He's Here!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Mason's soccer game
Addi's birthday

Sept 17, 2007
It's a terrible self portrait, but by the time Chris gets home to take a pic of me, I have my make up washed off and am in my jammies. So this will just have to do.
I'll post when our wee one arrives! Wish us luck!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Addi's birthday
Sunday, September 02, 2007
I decided to redo the kids' bathroom. It's a Disney Princess/Cars theme. The kids love it. Thankfully we have 2 sinks so they each got their own soap dispenser, hand towel and rug. Addi's is a princess carriage sd , a pink towel and rug. Mason's is Lightening McQueen sd, a blue towel and rug. I got those cool vinyl stickers to put all over the walls. They both love it!
Friday, August 24, 2007
No more pity party
So to combat my grouchiness, here is a list of all the things I am grateful for today:
Our new van. Yes, we are officially ready for the baby to get here now that we have a van. I swore I would never drive a van, but it has so much room, has 3 rows of air conditioner vents (a must in this 100 degree+ weather) has electric doors and lots of fun little nooks and crannies to store our stuff. It's a Kia Sedona. It's black with roof racks, that we feel that jazzed it up a bit and makes it look a little more sporty.
Even though my kids didn't sleep very well last night, they both woke up so nice and sweet this morning for school. When Mason, who hadn't opened his eyes yet and was fighting waking up told me that he wanted his mommy and gave me a big hug-well, that's one of my favorite parts of being his mom. Addi and I didn't even get in a fight about her hair this am. I put it in rollers last night so it was curly and pretty. They both had a great day and love school!
I took some sweet newborn baby pictures today. Baby G is 7 weeks old and he and his parents were fabulous! I took over 400 pictures and a ton turned out sooo good. I couldn't help holding and smooching on his sweetness. I CAN'T WAIT for our baby to get here.
While I had the back drop up, I took some really cute pics of my kids. Addi was super tired and grouchy, but even that didn't stop the gorgeousness that is her!! I will post them soon.
Chris came home from work early and let me take a quick nap. He's the BEST!!!
We went to Cracker Barrell for dinner. The pancakes there are just killer!
Good friends with encouraging words!
A nice warm bath to rest my achey body in!
There, now that feels better. It's much better to be grateful then grouchy! Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
But what I'm talking about is tired of not measuring up? Tired of skipping out on your laundry to take your kids somewehre fun only to find out that you have no clean underwear for tomorrow. Tired of trying to make your family your priority only to find out that your friends are mad that you haven't spent enough time with them. Tired of feeling like crap for the last 8 months-non-stop!!!!!!!!! Tired of having to explain to everyone on the planet that yes, you really are doing your best at life. Tired of having your kids rag on you because they are hungry and the pizza hasn't finished cooking. Tired of not having enough hours in the day to get everything done. Tired of not having the energy to do everything on your to do list. Tired of no matter how hard you try, you just can't make everyone happy.
I'm quite TIRED tonight!!!! Excuse my whining, I'll hopefully be happier tomorrow!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
First days of school

Mason's first day of school was on Monday. He was soooo excited. He woke up at 6:00am , got himself dressed and wanted to leave right then. We all took him to school and walked him in. When I picked him up that afternoon he said that he great day and loved school!!!
Addi's first day of school was today. She was really excited too! She was only there for a 1/2 day then I got to go and have lunch with her. After that it was time to leave and she wasn't happy about that. She wanted to stay the entire day. She drew the cutest picture of herself in class with her polka dot shirt on. She is going to have a great year!!!
In other news, it's hotter than heck here! In fact today was a record hot day. Of course it would be when I'm pregnant. Whatever!!!! This is what the thermostat said in my car. 110 degrees is ridiculous! I'm moving to Alaska!
Friday, August 10, 2007
10 things I did today
-got up (and got my entire family up) before 8:00am for the first time this summer-I am so not a morning person
-took Addi to John Colemon Elementary to meet her Kindergarten teacher, Mr Baker, and be tested by him. He was concerned about her speech, but was ok when I told him that she is already in speech therapy which is actually right across the hall from his classroom. He was really impressed with her penmanship.
-we found out who Mason's first grade teacher is and went to her class to meet her-Mrs. Thomas
-took Chris to the dentist. He had to have a bunch of work done so he had to be sedated. He got done around 11:00am. It is now 8:30pm and he is still asleep. I guess he was pretty tired!
-took the kids to McDonalds for breakfast, then to Walmart to grab a few things, then to Hollywood video to get a PS2 game and DVD's for our day at home.
-did a load of laundry
-made a new peg shelf for our lower bathroom (where the kids hang their jackets and backpacks.) We've had one for a while, but there wasn't enough room to add a hook for the baby, so I made a new one. I just bought a piece of pine that is 1x6x36 and painted it red. Then I distressed it and put some coat hooks on it. The coat hooks were ugly, shiny gold, so I spray painted them with cool spray paint that made the hooks look rusty.
-I also painted an old cabinet shelf I had. It was forest green and just hiding in my closet since I don't have that color in my house any more. I gave it a few coats of read spray paint, then distressed it. I then hung it in the bathroom on the wall by the coat hook shelf. I love the way it all turned out!!!!
-after all the projects I did, my kitchen was a mess, so I loaded the dishwasher, swept, vacuumed and mopped. So much better!!!!!
-fed Chris some yogurt, pudding and applesauce.
Whew! It's been a very long day. The kids and I are now relaxing watching a Tom and Jerry movie. I'm hoping they fall asleep soon, so I can go to sleep too!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Monday, August 06, 2007
reoganized my kitchen utensils and cleaned out the drawers, washed all the cabinets, touched up the caulking around the baseboards, touched up the paint on the baseboards, reorganized my linen closet, reorganized the closet in my bathroom, reorganized the garage twice (needs it done once more already) and gave a load of stuff to the Salavation Army, cleaned my scrapbook room, painted Addi's room then touched up the paint in her room, bought and put together a new bookcase for her room, made some artwork and sewed some trims onto her bedspread and pillowsham, painted Mason and the baby's room, painted stars on the wall for Mason and the baby's initials, rearranged their room make room for the crib, painted the dresser, sewed a crib skirt (NEVER again-what a pain) for the crib, cleaned out the kids's old clothes, cleaned and reorganized Addi's closet, put up a new shelf in Mason's closet for the baby's clothes, reorgainzed Addi's hair drawer and I'm sure there is even more because every time I put something away I decide that the cupboard, closet or drawer needs to be reorganized.
Just today I cleaned all 3 bathrooms, vaccumed, swept and mopped, dusted, did 4 loads of laundry, painted the baby's dresser, touched up the caulking and made cinnamon rolls in the Easy Bake Oven with the kids. Man I'm pooped!! I don't have any energy to do anything really, but my need to have a clean house overrides my lack of energy.
I will take pics of the kids' rooms when I get the crib mattress and get the bumpers done.
Hope everyone has a great week!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
What a summer it has been. All I can say is thank goodness it's almost over. That sounds so mean, but it's hard to come up with ways to entertain these two all day, every day. We put in our playground thinking they would play on it a little yeah, it's 8 jillion degrees here everyday. I wish I was one of those mom's who are so excited for their kids to be home from school. Don't get me wrong, I love these two but it's been a looooong summer. On a daily basis I hear how boring I am, get asked why I am resting or napping or why we can't ever do anything fun. Nevermind that we have been to the sprinkler park a few times, swimming at the YMCA, to Chuck E Cheese, the Bounce Factory, played in our swimming pool and with the slip n slide, had a few playdates with friends, went to Summer Camp and I'm sure there's more, even though they can't think of one fun thing we've done. Good thing I love them!!! :)
School starts 2 weeks from tomorrow for Mason!!!! WOOO HOOOO!! The Kindergarteners transition in so Addi will go for her testing sometime in the next 2 weeks or so, then go for 1/2 days and full days with part and then all of her class until after about 2 weeks. Then she'll go every day, just like Mason! Yipee!!!
This weekend all clothes and school supplies are tax free here in the state of Tennessee so we will be finishing up our school shopping then. Tax free doesn't seem like that big of deal until you realize that we have almost 10% sales tax. So that 10% of savings helps. I might just work in a new computer monitor for myself too. :)